Breaking free. Treating the effects of domestic violence against women: An integrative psychological treatment approach using EMDR



Breaking Free is an important contribution because it talks about something that really matters. Domestic violence is omnipresent and devastating for millions of women and families of every country and culture. It presumes a fountain of brutal pain in the lives of people who are affected by it, and it represents an authentic social pathology. A form of violence that affects more than half of the world’s population cannot be ignored. This publication is a very powerful road map that gives us access to a thorough exploration of, as well as a wholesome comprehension of, each case. The author offers a profound and necessary understanding of domestic violence. She integrates theory in a brilliant manner while she practices interweaving the various dimensions, perspectives, and vast experience that Dolores has in her practice as well as her supervision of peers in this topic.






Dolores Mosquera


“Breaking free. Treating the effects of domestic violence against women: An integrative psychological treatment approach using EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 2, 2024,

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