Therapeutic experiences of EMDR-trained clinicians who treat individuals with PTSD with dissociative features


Up to one-third of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder also report dissociative symptoms. Derealization and depersonalization symptoms within the context of PTSD (PTSD+DS) can have deleterious effects on social relationships, can impair occupational activities, and increase health implications. Moderate to severe PTSD+DS symptoms can affect the individual through challenges with affect regulation, emotional detachment, and alterations in physiological functioning. The dissociative features of PTSD can confound clinicians or lead to misdiagnosis. Based on the theoretical concepts of the diathesis-stress approach, ego state theory, Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality, and Adaptive Information Processing model, this phenomenological study was intended to explore the therapeutic experiences of EMDR-trained therapists who have worked with the PTSD+DS population. Eighteen EMDRtrained therapists from across the U.S. participated in semi-structured interviews through Zoom. The interview process ascertained which training programs best prepared these therapists to recognize behavioral, physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms of PTSD+DS. Furthermore, the therapists noted they educated their clients on these symptoms only if they had more knowledge of dissociation. The negative and positive impacts of working with this population are discussed. A reflexive thematic analysis of their responses revealed two overarching concepts in this study: client concern and inadequacy. The implications for professional practice involve formal and specialized training for clinicians on traumatology and PTSD+DS so they can recognize and treat dissociative symptoms appropriately in traumatized individuals.






Caroline K. Gonzales

Original Work Citation

Gonzales, C. K. (2024, January). Therapeutic experiences of EMDR-trained clinicians who treat individuals with PTSD with dissociative features. (Doctoral dissertation, California Southern University)



“Therapeutic experiences of EMDR-trained clinicians who treat individuals with PTSD with dissociative features,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed September 17, 2024,

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