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  • Tags: Belief

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a widely used treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. The idea behind EMDR is that lateral eye movements may mitigate the emotional impact of traumatic memories. Given the focus on…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a widely used treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. The idea behind EMDR is that lateral eye movements may mitigate the emotional impact of traumatic memories. Given the focus on…

Background: The Eating Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ) is a 27-item self-report measure that assesses positive and negative beliefs about binge eating. It has been validated and its factor structure explored in a non-clinical sample. This study tested…

The EMDR Approach to Psychotherapy is anchored by the Adaptive Information Processing Model. The Adaptive Information Processing Model is grounded on the theory that experiences, at their inception, are composed of sensory input, thoughts, emotions,…

Recent advancements in neurobiology have supported the effectiveness of neural network pathways’ linkage and consolidation for adaptive psychological learning. Working with neural networks’ emotions and sensations (both positive and negative) is the…


This article explores the hypothesis that in psychotherapy, clients who believe in a Higher Spiritual Presence like God/Jesus can be enabled to encounter that spiritual Resource in such a way that their healing can be enhanced and even accelerated.…

Diante da importância das crenças e resistências que se apresentam frente às mudanças que se fazem necessárias, encontram-se as crenças pessoais de profundas raízes psíquicas que necessitam ser trabalhadas. Que podem ser mais bem compreendidas,…

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The aim of this study is to explore how EMDR trained Therapists explain to themselves and their clients, how EMDR words in clinical practice, in their view. A second aim of the study is to examine how EMDR trained Therapsts’ explanations relate to…
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