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  • Tags: Effects

Controlled studies of treatments effective with victims of natural disasters are almost nonexistent. This is a small study conducted under difficult conditions to test the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in…

PTSD experts have recently pointed out that while traumatic events have been the core of cultural tales for centuries, it is highly unlikely today that any individual will avoid the direct experience of a traumatic event during a lifetime. The…

To study the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with traumatized young women, 60 women between the ages of 16 and 25 were randomly assigned to 2 sessions of either EMDR or an active listening (AL) control. Factorial…

There is no qualitative knowledge of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with a sub-clinical stressed population. The vast majority of EMDR research has focused on traumatized populations, leaving a significant gap in what the…

This article represents a process of preliminary search and discovery regarding the active mechanisms in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) when used in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP). Patients' (N = 7) responses to EMDR…

This chapter provides an overview of how eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) may be used to treat trauma/loss memories and related symptoms in children and adolescents. The literature on EMDR indicates not only that it works well,…

Participants will be able to: 1) name the three main components of Malan's conceptual schema of the "Universal Principle of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy" in Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: The Two Triangles; 2) describe how EMDR interfaces well with…

In this article, the authors review the current empiric literature on early interventions. Findings on the effects, course, help-seeking, and recovery from disasters are first reviewed, with recommendations given that are pertinent to intervention…

28 subjects from a university's subject pool were paired on sex, age, severity, and type of stressful or traumatic incident. 1 subject in each pair was selected to receive EMDR; the experimental partner spent the same amount of time receiving a…

Although I had a relatively happy childhood, I picked up many unspoken messages from the people around me about my physical body and my self-worth. At age 17, I was brutally beaten and raped in my family home. Based upon these often misinterpreted…

Behandlung psychotraumatischer belastungsstörungen mit EMDRUns interessierte die Frage, ob die EMDR-Behandlung bei Patienten mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTSD) neben einer Symptomreduktion auch mit einer verbesserten psychophysiologischen…

Elméleti háttér: Az EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) mint pszichoterápiás módszer harminc éve létezik. A Francine Shapiro által az 1980-as évek második felében az Egyesült Államokban kidolgozott eljárás…

A multitude of published books and papers on child sexual abuse (CSA) describe symptoms, long-term effects, and therapy for survivors of abuse. However, the parallels between the nature of the sexual trauma event(s) as originally experienced by the…

Conceptualizing death and trauma: a preliminary endeavor; Empirical perspectives on contextualizing death and trauma; Factors associated with effective loss accommodation; Intersections of grief and trauma: family members' reactions to homicide;…

Welch's (Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 27, 175-179, 1996) response to Rosen's (Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 26, 121-122, 1995) limited study on the origin of eye movement desensitization and…
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