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  • Tags: Erectile Dysfunction

Berichtet wird über einen 40-jährigen Mann mit emotional instabiler Persönlichkeitsstörung und Polytoxikomanie in der Anamnese, der seit Jahren unter Erektionsstörungen im sexuellen Zusammensein mit besonders geliebten Frauen litt und wegen…

EMDR is een geprotocolleerde, evidence based behandelprocedure gericht op het verzwakken van emotioneel beladen herinneringen aan gebeurtenissen in het verleden. Volgens de meest recente versie van de Multidisciplinaire richtlijn Angststoornissen is…

Introdução: A prevalência da disfunção sexual masculina em suas várias formas atinge a faixa de quase 90% em alguma fase da vida. Dentre elas, a Disfunção Erétil afeta aspectos primordiais do homem e pode ter sua origem em causas psicológicas,…

The experimenters seek to determine whether the reported anxiety-relieving effects of (EMDR) can be effectively applied to patients reporting erectile dysfunction and whether the expected changes in levels of anxiety can be measured as a function of…

The role of trauma in the etiology of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) appears to be underestimated in the current sex therapy literature. With newer pharmacological treatments available, less attention is being given to exploring other…
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