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  • Tags: Experience

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) was originally developed to treat traumatic memories. Since its development, the application of EMDR has proliferated to various disorders. A single session utilizing the EMDR approach applied to the…

As part of my discussion with my patients about their mind and the adaptive information processing (AIP) system, I find that patients are sometimes unable to find responses when asked about a picture representing the worst part of the event or what…

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada parempi käsitys Eye Movement Desensitization ja Reprocessing (EMDR) terapiasta Posttraumaattisen stressihäiriön (PTSD) hoitomenetelmänä. Tutkimuksen ongelman määrittely oli: Mikä vaikutus EMDR terapialla on…
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