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  • Tags: Family Systems

Much attention has been devoted to examining whether divorce negatively impacts children's psychological adjustment, or whether divorce is now so prevalent that it can be considered a normative transitional event (Kaslow, 1981). Divorce brings many…

This is the first book to provide a wide range of leading-edge, step-by-step strategies for clinicians using EMDR therapy and adjunct approaches with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. Written by an author internationally…

Uno dei limiti di fondo del modello sistemico classico (si veda La pragmatica della comunicazione di Watzlawick, 1967, o Paradosso e contro paradosso, 1975, fino agli epigoni post-moderni) è dato dal semi-annullamento della dimensione individuale (la…

Traumatic experiences which should be targeted in EMDR session are not specified in many cases when parents come in for psychotherapy to improve their children's problems. However, child's problem is an SOS signal from the family system which suffers…

This presentation will explore how the family system sets the tone for the way each family member processes and interprets traumatic events, particularly ones that occur within the family context. Basic concepts of family systems will be examined,…

EMDR in Family Systems provides clinicians with a clear account of the EMDR process and a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to healing trauma through integrating EMDR with other therapeutic tools. The book provides a unique protocol utilizing…

In this presentation Arianne will illustrate the use of EMDR with children with intergenerational trauma, severe presentations such as dissociative disorders and children out of home care. Actively involving their families in the healing process…
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