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  • Tags: Attachment

Attachment trauma and wounding have a profound impact on the clinical presentation of clients as well as their ability to process trauma targets with…

The negative consequences of attachment trauma are evident on individual and interpersonal levels. Presenting problems for young clients with…

Les nouvelles recherches neurobiologiques montrent comment le mécanisme évolutif de l’attachement représente la matrice intersubjective primaire, qui…

Research has highlighted the negative effects of early neglect and abuse on the development of emotional self-regulation and attachment. Attention has…

Background and aims Anorexia nervosa (AN) is recognized to have a multifactorial etiology. One important developmental factor is attachment, which is…

This workshop introduces ego state therapy concepts and interventions from the Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS) for stabilizing…

El trauma de apego es una problemática que afecta a un gran número de personas en la población general, y especialmente en la clínica. Esta…

The Break-Up Aid Procedure (BUAP) is a proposed EMDR intervention designed to address the difficulties that some patients experience when trying to…

EMDR Therapy with children is highly effective and can be very quick. But with our highly traumatised kids, trauma reprocessing can throw up as many…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has a rapidly growing evidence base; however, research into changes in attachment…

The death of someone important to us is experienced almost universally over the course of a lifetime, regardless of religion, race or culture. While…

Attachment-Focused Trauma Therapy for Adult (AFTT-A) adapts Parent-Adult-Child (PAC) theory for a multimodal, step-by-step approach to restructuring…

This workshop introduces ego state therapy concepts and interventions from the Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS) for stabilizing…

The purpose of this workshop is to articulate an integrative trauma treatment model that merges mind and body focused approaches with EMDR to meet the…

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and femicides are prevalent in societies marked by patriarchy and misogyny. While women generally face a higher chance…

Initially developed to address acute trauma and PTSD, EMDR therapy has proven to be extremely effective in a large number of patients. But it is not a…

La depressione postpartum rappresenta oggi un serio e disabilitante disturbo psichiatrico: ogni anno si stima che il 10-15% circa delle donne…

L’objectif du présent article sera de présenter l’intérêt clinique du travail d’articulation et d’intégration entre la thérapie familiale systémique…

During this time of increased isolation, our usual means of getting our attachment needs met are not as available in the ways we are normally…

The standard protocol of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has been well established as an efficacious brief treatment for…

We aimed to assess changes in the attachment internal working model and reflective function (RF) as mechanisms of change in eye movement…

Many dissociative clients are too dysregulated for EMDR. This presentation will teach several Phase 2 interventions—from the Developmental Needs…

This presentation will apply attachment theory, the Adaptive Information Processing model, and a "parts of self' perspective to conceptualize problems…

De nombreuses études ont identifié des liens entre la psychopathologie et des antécédents d’événement de vie traumatiques et de relations…

Many studies have shown that the relationship between child and caregivers is critical for healthy development of the child’s brain function, and for…

IntroductionLe but de cet article est d’examiner la littérature scientifique qui envisage la thérapie Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing…

When treating early attachment wounds, the therapeutic dyad becomes more central to the process as we invite our clients to approach these formative…

The possibility of assigning control of psychotherapeutic processes to children, allows, when supervised, to create conditions for the resolution of…

This presentation introduces the necessity of approaching infant medical trauma through a dyadic lens. Often the continuing concern over a medical…

In this presentation are used three methods to rebuild narratives that allow you to build bonds. The first method is to use the child's drawing on the…

This workshop features a series of three interventions that can be helpful in working with clients whose parents fell short in some important way. The…

Attachment trauma negatively impacts adults in the development of their sense of self, their personality structure and functioning,and their ability…

No desenvolvimento existem muitas vezes dificuldades ao nível da estabilização dos vínculos com as figuras mais segurizantes. Neste contexto…

This case series investigated the value of integrating eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and relationship therapies for children…

This book, intended for clinicians treating very early trauma and neglect in the attachment period, integrates several treatment strategies in a…

When working with survivors of early, complex relational neglect and trauma, clinicians trained in EMDR therapy trained need a comprehensive framework…

This presentation will focus on practical and creative strategies for working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. These…

The comprehension of the attachment's dynamics, from the adaptive information processing perspective, it is a necessary starting point to shed light…

Numerous studies have identified links between psychopathology and a history of traumatic life events and dysfunctional attachment relationships.…

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