Anorexie mentale et EMDR : Un cas cliniqueAnorexia nervosa and EMDR: A clinical case
De nombreuses études ont identifié des liens entre la psychopathologie et des antécédents d’événement de vie traumatiques et de relations d’attachement dysfonctionnelles. Compte tenu des origines traumatiques possibles de cette pathologie, il pourrait être utile d’apporter une intervention centrée sur le trauma comme la thérapie EMDR (désensibilisation et retraitement par les mouvements oculaires). Cet article s’appuie sur un cas clinique pour décrire les résultats positifs de la thérapie EMDR dans le rétablissement d’une anorexie mentale résistante chez une patiente de 17 ans en hospitalisation. Elle avait déjà été hospitalisée à quatre reprises au cours des quatre dernières années et avait suivi des thérapies psychodynamique et cognitive comportementale. Au début de la prise en charge, la patiente pesait 28 kg et son indice de masse corporelle était 14. Elle s’est vu attribuer un style d’attachement désengagé/ évitant sur l’entretien de l’attachement adulte (Adult Attachment Interview). La thérapie EMDR lui a été proposée à l’hôpital sur une durée de six mois sous la forme de séances de 50 minutes, deux fois par semaine, correspondant aux procédures standard qui se centraient principalement sur ses traumas relationnels ; elle était combinée à des séances de psychoéducation et intégrée à la thérapie des états du moi. À la fin de la prise en charge, la patiente pesait 55 kg et son indice de masse corporelle était 21,5. Elle ne remplissait plus les critères diagnostiques de l’anorexie mentale et son style d’attachement s’était modifié en faveur d’un état d’esprit libre-autonome acquis. Elle décrivait une confiance en soi accrue et une plus grande capacité à gérer différentes situations sociales. Les résultats étaient maintenus lors du suivi après 12 et 24 mois. Les implications de cette étude de cas pour la prise en charge sont examinées.
Numerous studies have identified links between psychopathology and a history of traumatic life events and dysfunctional attachment relationships. Hence, given the possible traumatic origins of this pathology, it may be useful to provide a trauma-focused intervention such as the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This article illustrates a clinical case by describing the positive results of the EMDR therapy in the recovery of unremitting anorexia nervosa in a 17-year-old inpatient. She had previously been hospitalized on 4 occasions in the previous 4 years and received both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy. At pretreatment, the client weighed (28 kg, 62 lb) and had a body mass index of 14. She was designated with a dismissing attachment style on the Adult Attachment Interview. EMDR therapy was provided for 6 months in hospital, in twice weekly 50-minute sessions and consisted of standard procedures primarily focusing on her relational traumas, interspersed with psychoeducational talk therapy sessions, and integrated with ego state therapy. At the end of treatment, the client weighed (55 kg, 121 lb) and had a body mass index of 21.5. She no longer met diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, and her attachment style had changed to an earned free-autonomous state of mind. She reported an increase in self-confidence and in her ability to manage various social challenges. Results were maintained at 12 and 24 months follow-up. The treatment implications of this case study are discussed.
Numerous studies have identified links between psychopathology and a history of traumatic life events and dysfunctional attachment relationships. Hence, given the possible traumatic origins of this pathology, it may be useful to provide a trauma-focused intervention such as the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This article illustrates a clinical case by describing the positive results of the EMDR therapy in the recovery of unremitting anorexia nervosa in a 17-year-old inpatient. She had previously been hospitalized on 4 occasions in the previous 4 years and received both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy. At pretreatment, the client weighed (28 kg, 62 lb) and had a body mass index of 14. She was designated with a dismissing attachment style on the Adult Attachment Interview. EMDR therapy was provided for 6 months in hospital, in twice weekly 50-minute sessions and consisted of standard procedures primarily focusing on her relational traumas, interspersed with psychoeducational talk therapy sessions, and integrated with ego state therapy. At the end of treatment, the client weighed (55 kg, 121 lb) and had a body mass index of 21.5. She no longer met diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, and her attachment style had changed to an earned free-autonomous state of mind. She reported an increase in self-confidence and in her ability to manage various social challenges. Results were maintained at 12 and 24 months follow-up. The treatment implications of this case study are discussed.
Original Work Citation
Zaccagnino, M., Cussini, M., Callerame, C., Civilotti, C., & Fernandez, I. (2018). [Anorexia nervosa and EMDR: A clinical case]. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 12(4), E64-E75. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.12.4.E64. French
“Anorexie mentale et EMDR : Un cas cliniqueAnorexia nervosa and EMDR: A clinical case,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed September 17, 2024,