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  • Tags: Narrative

In this half-hour presentation, Joan will outline the basics of how to develop a healing narrative for a child. Prior to the sesion, participants may want to choose a child for whom they want to develop a narrative and consider the following…

In this presentation are used three methods to rebuild narratives that allow you to build bonds. The first method is to use the child's drawing on the cartoon form, associated with the bilateral movements, in touch (BLMT). In the video presented it…

No desenvolvimento existem muitas vezes dificuldades ao nível da estabilização dos vínculos com as figuras mais segurizantes. Neste contexto desenvolvem‐se angustias de separação, medos, ritualizações, etc. O EMDR tem demonstrado grande eficácia na…

In August 2014 Islamic State attacked Sinjar, Northern Iraq carrying out human atrocities on the Yezidi population. Yezidi female survivors were also taken as sex slaves by Jihadist fighters with some being returned via escape or through government…

Dargestellt werden die ersten empirischen Ergebnisse in der psychotherapeutischen Behandlung von Kindern im Altern von 7-13 Jahren mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung im stationären Setting mit Hilfe von Narrativen (Geschichten). Die Arbeit mit…

Participants will learn to: 1) select patient who could benefit from this method; 2) treat school-aged children with diffuse worries; 3) use narrative therapy techniques to externalize "The Worries," and to desensitize targets with EMDR; and 4)…
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