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  • Tags: Immigrant

In my experience of using EMDR with clients from Latin American backgrounds, a number of old traumatic experiences emerge earlier in the process of therapy than conventional psychotherapeutic treatment. These memories were mainly related to life…

Ouderen en allochtonen met PTSS zijn groepen patiënten die kunnen profiteren van behandeling met EMDR. Bied je echter, conform de multidisciplinaire richtlijn angststoornissen EMDR aan, dan stuit je op een aantal problemen. Voorbeelden daarvan zijn:…

The prevalence of cultural elements in trauma-based disorders has been widely neglected in evidence-based treatment of immigrant populations. This case report explores how culturally based trauma in immigrant populations may be addressed in EMDR…


In the United States, the Hispanic immigrant population has grown exponentially within the past decade. Many Hispanic immigrants are exposed to extreme emotional and physical risks, which include family separation, dangerous working conditions,…

Recently arrived Hispanic immigrants who come to Canada are exposed to risks both in their native country and in the United States. Moreover, many immigrants experience trauma while crossing illegally into the United States and are challenged in…
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