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  • Tags: India

We have used it effectively in Bhuj [Gujarat]in 2001 following the earthquake and in Chennai – following tsunami.

Child slavery is a major problem in India: 12% of the children between the age of 5 to 14 years old are forced to work excessively and in unbearable circumstances. These circumstances often involve traumatic events, that may lead to posttraumatic…

ven with more trauma therapists available and with many volunteers eager to respond, entering a disaster scene (natural or manmade) remains a challenge. Getting quick buy-in, permissions and collaboration from government departments, police, health…

India, the world’s second largest democracy, is known for its diversity in terrain, culture and ethnicity. Prone to both natural and man made calamities along with a high population density and not enough resources, mental health does not rank high…

In 1995 Dr. Sushma Mehrotra of Mumbai first read about a new therapy called EMDR. After studying all of the information available to her, she introduced it to the Bombay Psychological Association and then to the Bombay Psychiatric Society. To make…

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After the earthquake in January 2001 in India,40 trained EMDR Therapists participated in helping more than 1600 people.The symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) were observed both in children and adults;no gross disintegration of…

During the period of COVID-19 pandemic from the start of 2020 till late 2021, mental health services—seeking and providing—have gone through various changes and adaptations. In this article, we report on EMDR psychotherapy service providers in India,…

This is a history of a 35 year old married Indian woman who came with history of forgetfulness and anger outbursts. She came with symptoms resembling psychosis and wanted it ruled out as her father suffered from schizophrenia. The DES score high. She…

This is a case history of a 34 year old married Indian Man, working as a Captain on a ship, who came with symptoms of intrusive flash backs, extreme pain in the jaw, excessive vomiting and insomnia for 3 months. He came with symptoms of…

EMDR-Humanitarian Assistance Programs Europe (HAP-Europe) an umbrella organization for all European national non-profit organizations and individual projects teaching trauma therapy including EMDR in a large number of European, Asian and African…

Lors de l’atelier de formation d’EMDR organisé en Thaïlande par Trauma-Aid, HAP Allemagne et Terre des Hommes Allemagne, la psychologue Dagmar Eckers se prépare à traiter par l’EMDR le jeune Indonésien Ooz, victime du Tsunami. Il souffre de…
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