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Among other stress-management techniques (e.g., debriefing and defusing), EMDR was considered by the psychological staff as appropriately adaptable to an ongoing stressful situation, whose features were not common for all exposed individuals, with…

In the Volume 30 of the Torture Journal, the Independent Forensic Expert Group (IFEG, 2020a) made a “Statement on Conversion Therapy,” based on Josina Bothe’s very detailed report “It’s torture, not therapy” (Bothe, 2020). In the US the common…

Bosnia & Herzegovina with the help of Trauma Aid UK (TAUK) has managed to build up a significant trauma treatment capacity by training around 120 psychotherapists over more than 10 years out of these, 10 have achieved Accredited EMDR Europe…

I am passing on to you a brief, modified version of an outline I have used for resilience. May some of it be helpful to your clients, and you. As I send this off to Marilyn Luber (thanks Marilyn for coordinating this), I have some personal thoughts I…

Pour David Servan-Schreiber, il n’e´ tait pas envisageable que l’EMDR ne devienne pas un jour une discipline acade´mique ! C’est aujourd’hui chose faite et ce dernier serait heureux de voir l’essor de cette approche the´ rapeutique dans des…


The First National Conference of the EMDR Association of Bosnia Herzegovina in Sarajevo on 3rd & 4th November 2017 was a landmark event. It was the culmination of eight years of collaboration between Trauma Aid UK (formerly known as HAP UK &…

The first EMDR conference in Bosnia & Herzegovina in Sarajevo between 3-4/11/2017; the Bosnia war still resonated through conference presentations.

In my opinion there is a very real place for EMDR as a treatment in prisons and there are particular aspects in relation to the positive results of therapy, in addition to trauma resolution, that would provide excellent subject matter for future…


The application of EMDR in midwifery needs to be further explored. A quick literature search provided reassurance that research is underway with the publication of a protocol for an RCT in the Netherlands called the OptiMUM-study, by Baas et al…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a kind of psychotherapy, which is growing in popularity, particularly for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When Shapiro first introduced EMDR in 1989, it was approached as a…

Bruce Grimley’s letter in the August issue of The Psychologist in response to my article (‘EMDR – more than a therapy for PTSD’, July 2014) includes a claim by Dr John Grinder that he suggested to Francine Shapiro a way to treat a rape victim and…

Robin Logie (‘EMDR – more than a therapy for PTSD?’, July 2014) invites a debate in The Psychologist and tells us his hope is that his article will provoke one that is lively. With the intention of pleasing I would like to challenge the ‘EMDR…

We read with interest the article by Gerger and colleagues describing the results of a meta-analysis entitled ‘Integrating fragmented evidence by network meta-analysis: relative effectiveness of psychological interventions for adults with…

There is evidence that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more prevalent in patients with bipolar disorder. According to a review, 1. the mean prevalence of PTSD in bipolar patients is 16.0%, which is double the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in…

In "Can Eye Movements Treat Trauma?" [Head Lines], Tori Rodriguez cites new evidence that eye movements are an effective ingredient in eye movement de sensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). In our column "Taking a Closer Look" [Facts and Fictions in…

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Dear Editor, Recently I described the case of a scuba instructor suffering from acute stress disorder (ASD), a type of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), following the death of one of her students. The treatment described was a combination of eye…

Therapists who use E.M.D.R. know it works very well for post-traumatic stress disorder. That much is well documented in the research. That's why thousands of us are trained in its use. And why hundreds of us have volunteered our services to trauma…

It is important to note that according to the experts, the evaluated EMDR did not receive a rating of a first-line therapy for PTSD on any of the questions about individual psychotherapies (i.e., 13 through 17). [Excerpt]

I am writing out of concern that the recent Supplement, “The Expert Consensus Guideline Series: Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder” has some problems in presentation that may distort the findings. [Excerpt]

The Expert Consensus Guideline Series is a commendable endeavor, and the design has obviously been carefully thought out. However, although the Guidelines may represent the cutting edge in some respects, at least one element is definitely lagging…

cedure in which patients with PTSD are exposed to their traumatic memories involves unacceptable risks, nor is there any evidence that the use of emotion regulation skills is a prerequisite for a positive treatment outcome or high end-state…

While a growing body of evidence over the last 20 years has shown that EMDR provides effective trauma treatment for civilians, the VA has not conducted any EMDR research. Instead they have focused on pharmaceuticals, CPT and PE, and alternative…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic treatment which incorporates eye movements to provide bi-lateral stimulation to the brain. In 1987, Dr Francine Shapiro, an American Psychologist, made the chance observation…

In the “Disputing a slam against psychology” article, APA’s Katherine Nordal is reported as defending psychologists against the charge that we are unscientific in our practice of psychotherapy by claiming psychologists are not frequent practitioners…


This section of the newsletter includes letters to the editor regarding eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Dr. John N. Marquis states that EMDR has more controlled studies than any other treatment of PTSD including drugs. He also…

These letters to the editor discuss the following topics: help for psychology students with emotional problems, Medicaid privatization and opportunities for psychologists, eye-movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), help for new immigrants,…

These letters criticize alleged omissions in a review of the literature on treatment of PTSD.

I was quite pleased to see Dunne and Farrell (2011) intelligently and usefully address clinician experience incorporating eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) into practice. I was also pleased that they could find some use for the…


Thank you for the invitation to respond to Dr. Lipke’s letter. I will confine myself to statements regarding the adaptive information processing (AIP) model and my text. However, I would like to begin by stating that I applaud the free exchange of…

The Journal ’s instructions to authors are located inside the back cover of every issue. The relevant passage stated, “Articles that recommend a clinical approach that differs from EMDR’s standard protocol or its foundational Adaptive Information…

In the letter to the editor titled “On Science, Orthodoxy, EMDR, and the AIP,” the writer criticizes the EMDRIA’s defi nition of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). This defi nition affects EMDR training requirements, EMDRIA…

Prof Davidson also trots out that old chestnut of McNally’s (1996 a & b) regarding EMDR to wit: “What is new is not effective and what is effective is not new”. This has been effectively rebutted by Perkins & Rouanzoin (2002) who…

Recent studies have suggested that hippocampal neurogenesis may be stimulated by successful treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), either by drugs1–4 or by behavioral interventions. 5 Three investigations have evaluated the effects of…

No abstract available.

I sincerely thank Ms. Masters for her important comments. Indeed, to the list of confounding variables enumerated by Ms. Masters, one may add others like suggestibility, a trait present in some of the clients, that may be further infl uenced by the…


“The Effect of Single-Session Modified EMDR on Acute Stress Syndromes,” Kutz, Resnik, and Dekel (2008). As my long-suffering research professor drummed into me years ago, the most serious error that can be made in experimental research is to confuse…

As U. S. military veterans ourselves, we respect Colonel Hurley’s 30 years of military service to our country. We also appreciate this psychotherapeutic experience. We applaud and wholeheartedly agree with his commitment to “providing our military…

Comments on Does EMDR reduce post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology in combat veterans? by David L. Albright and Bruce Thyer (see record 2010-02408-001). As an Army Chaplain and psychotherapist for 30 years, I have used a variety of…

In short, I view best clinical practices and scientific evaluation as going hand in hand to ensure a responsible development of EMDR and, as stated in the interview, affording the best protection against “excessive orthodoxy” or “anything goes.” I…


In Isaac Bashevis Singer’s prolifi c Holocaust novel, Enemies: A Love Story (1972), the main character, Herman Broder, sets his eyes into an oscillating motion whenever he needs to deal with stress or anxiety. The books and poems of Native American…


In Less Than Meets The Eye (letter - March 16), Timothy Moore and James Alcock stated that EMDR's "enormous popularity as a treatment for anxiety disorders appears to have greatly outstripped the research evidence adduced for its efficacy." Although…


In Eye Movement Therapy Offers Hope For Trauma Victims (March 13), Sheldon Walker mentions his enthusiasm for EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). According to him, "positive results can often be achieved very quickly with this…
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