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  • Tags: Panic Attack

This book is an important source that focuses on using the standard procedures and guidelines of EMDR Therapy as its framework to apply EMDR Therapy to anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and mood-related conditions. The scripts the essence of the…

Les études cliniques portant sur l’efficacité de l’ Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) dans le traitement du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie s’avèrent décevantes. Ainsi, malgré de nombreuses études de cas rapportant des…

Objective: The article outlines the state of the research on EMDR therapy of Panic Disorder (PD) and Agoraphobia. Method: Qualitative analysis of the existing literature. Results: One pilot study (Faretta, 2013) as well as single and series of…

Describiremos el caso de una paciente adulta que después de una experiencia traumática en un parto de alto riesgo (parto que se presentó con placenta previa), con parada cardio-respiratoria en quirófano, desarrolló una fobia específica a la sangre…

Doriene werd in augustus 2007 door de huisarts aangemeld in verband met paniekaanvallen. In het intakegesprek vertelde Doriene dat ze het gevoel heeft dat de angst haar overvalt. Tijdens een paniekaanval heeft ze het koud en warm tegelijkertijd,…

The authors illustrate here a special intervention plan that has demonstrated particular benefit in the treatment of Panic Disorder. They introduce here a specific modality of treatment, based upon the integration of hypnotic techniques with EMDR,…

The rapid eye movement therapy helps participants become less fearful of panic attacks by desensitizing memories and feelings related to panics. During treatment, participants are asked to think about anxiety-provoking images while following the…

Luckily, using a special technique called EMDR (eye movement, desensitization, reprocessing) developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro of Monterey, the woman's fears left her after one session and she was able to return to normal life.
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