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Die acht Phasen des EMDR Anna-Konstantina Richter Chapter First Online: 31 March 2023 1104 Accesses Zusammenfassung Die acht Phasen des EMDR stellen ein strukturiertes Vorgehen dar, in dem diagnostisch zusammengetragen wird, über welche Ressourcen…

Maslow, social psychologists, and many other respected theorists and researchers have cited the core human need for interpersonal connection and belonging. Trauma and adversity, in this realm, include interpersonal rejection, attachment failures,…

Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is a standard method for treating post-traumatic stress disorder. EMDR treatment consists of desensitisation and resource development and installation (RDI) stages. Both protocols provide a…

This protocol was developed to help clients with childhood-onset complex PTSD who have difficulty moving from the Negative Cognition (NC) to the Positive Cognition (PC) and instead, experience persistent looping. This is most likely to occur with…

眼動減敏訊息再處理法(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; EMDR) 是Shapiro(1989a, 1989b)所發展的一套治療方法,最早被用來治療創傷後壓力 疾患(post traumatic stress disorder; PTSD,後來也被認為對其他心理疾患具有療 效。雖然Shapiro 認為眼動程序可以加速訊息處理並降低個案的焦慮與困擾,不 同治療變項的療效仍待由控制性研究法進一步釐清。本研究以部分減除…

This dismantling study investigated the therapeutic effects of eye movement and positive cognition components on phobias. Forty female Ss with cockroach phobias received a single therapy session. The therapy conditions constituted a 2 (eye…

陳致豪 眼動減敏訊息再處理法中「眼動」與「正向認知」成分對於懼蟑症之療效 眼動減敏訊息再處理法(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; EMDR)是Shapiro(1989a, 1989b)所發展的一套治療方法,最早被用來治療創傷後壓力疾患(post traumatic stress disorder;…

We know that having a positive cognition in mind is crucial to effective EMDR. Sometimes the patient produces an excellent positive cognition with little help. However, more often, even when asked how s/he would rather think or feel about it, the…

In Shapiro’s (1995) metaphor of EMDR treatment as a train ride, the positive cognition (PC) serves as a kind of magnet to draw the train forward. She suggests that, at the beginning, the client can often see only modest potential gains, or “part way…

The negative cognition-generating question! "What does that say about you? can be used at any point in the process, when the movement turns in a positive direction. For example, a male client was working On the beatings he received his older brother…

A twenty-four year old Ctholic woman who came to see me recently was sufferng from sever post-abortion depression and guilt., (The abortion had been just one week prior to our visit). Her presenting symptoms were difficulty eating, sleeping,…

In my practice, EMDR is mainly utilized as a close-ended intervention of a set number of sessions. In working with so structured an application, I have developed a specific termination protocol that has proven extremely valuable in maximizing…

Before we proceed with EMDR processing, we select a Negative Cognition (NC and a more desirable Positive Cognition (PC) that we will install after we have desensitized the client’s presenting material. Clinical observations indicate that appropriate…

Participants will be able to: 1) list NCs that are frequently acquired as a result of experience panic attacks and OCD; 2) describe how to use EMDR protocols to ensure that clients have integrated adaptive information about their disorder; 3) list…
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