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  • Tags: Sleep Disorders

This workshop will focus on information useful in treating sleep disorders and nightmares within the context of EMDR therapy. Sleep information (including sleep stages and functions) and the way trauma interrupts the natural process of sleep and…

Sleep disturbances are often viewed as a secondary symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), thought to resolve once PTSD has been treated. Specific screening, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disturbances is therefore not commonly conducted…

Evidence will be presented for the hypothesis that a third state of brain activity, neither waking nor sleeping, is accessed during REM sleep, as well as during the eye movement portion of EMDR. Sleep research has shown that disordered sleep is a…

Participants will: 1) be able to recognize and inquire for sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and restless legs in their trauma patients; 2) learn how to recognize important features of these conditions, and how they are easily confused with, and…
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