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  • Tags: Spiritual Awakening

This article introduces the integration of a transpersonal psychological approach into the standard eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) protocol. The history and philosophy of transpersonal psychology is explained as an expanded…

This presentation focuses on the emergence of spiritual awakening and exceptional peak experience as part of EMDR Therapy. The EMDR therapist becomes a tool of consciousness, moving the client from entrenchment in trauma to living their highest…

As a brain-based therapy, EMDR can bridge the egoic and the trans-egoic experience, extending the range of healing trauma through expanded awareness and spiritual awakening. Daniel Siegel’s (2010) concept of triception (Triangle of Wellbeing)…

Presentation focuses emergence of spiritual awakening and exceptional peak experience as EMDR therapist becomes a tool of consciousness, moving client from trauma to highest potential. Spontaneous integration of higher self or soul is utilized in…
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