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Dit artikel geeft de kenmerken van de trauma-gerelateerde klachten die mensen kan laten zien na blootstelling aan rampen. Verschillende criteria en de bijbehorende dilemma's met betrekking tot de beslissing over de noodzaak van een behandeling worden…

Es gibt verhältnismäßig wenig Psychotherapieforschung über EMDR in Deutschland. Es wird aufgezeigt, woran dies strukturell liegt. EMDR ist wirksam bei PTBS: Nach einer wechselvollen Geschichte aus Erfolgen und Konflikten (ähnlich der Geschichte…

The following letter from S. Vogelmann-Sine, L. Sine, and N. Smyth discusses a unique application of a therapeutic method termed "eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)" to chemical dependency, suggesting effects of EMDR additional to…

The purpose of this study was determine the efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) with traumatized adolescents primarily diagnosed with conduct disorder (CD). The effect of exposure to domestic violence and other forms of human…

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known to he a debilitating disorder and for some a lifelong complaint. Although there are many treatment options, determining which treatments are not only recommended hut show high efficacy rates is vital for…

Graphing can be used with children five years old and up. It can be used to build mastery and help the child measure his or her progress with multiple targets or with their symptoms. Graphing can also help the child in-between sessions. Many children…

In this chapter, Marvasti and Colt explore the victims' response to trauma and examine nontraditional treatment models for psychological trauma. The TARGET model (Trauma Adaptive Recovery Group Education and Therapy) of treatment focuses on current…

Zielsetzung: In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchten wir die Gesichts-affektive Verhalten der akuten Altersdiabetes traumatisierten Patienten gegenüber Kindheitanfang traumatisierten Patienten. Darüber hinaus untersuchten wir, ob eine Abnahme der…

Denne artikkelen fokuserer på bruk av EMDR i behandling av klienter med rusmiddelproblemer. Personer i denne kundegruppen synes å vise en høy grad av symptomer knyttet til PTSD. Forfatterne presenterer en teoretisk begrunnelse for behandling av rus…

SEE FAR CBT is a suggested new protocol for the treatment of anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using creative form treatment based on empowerment through fantastic reality. The model emphasizes the role of fantastic reality…

Episodes of significant depression have been a part of my life for as long as I can recall, but psychosis was unknown to me until I was in my mid-thirties, months after the birth of my second child. At first, all I recognized were the emerging…

The following chapter draws on the authors' experience of working with young people (children and adolescents) with offending histories within community youth offending teams, secure children's homes and a young offenders institution (YOI). While the…
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