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  • Tags: Victims

The descendants of the political persecution by the SED dictatorship in the GDR are in many ways involved in the history of the persecution of their parents. 20 years after the “Wende” the reconstruction of parental distress is distinguished by a…

Human trafficking for sexual exploitation has serious and prolonged implications on an individual’s physical, sexual and psychological health. Research findings are indicative of the presence of a variety of psychological disorders in victims of sex…

This cursory presentation may help the clinician recognize domestic violence clients and inspire interest in further training, promoting safer integration of EMDR in the treatment of domestic violence. Definitions, statistics, and examples of…

L'accès thérapeutique des patients victimes d'agression sexuelle est souvent à travers une double perspective: celle du traitement de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) et d'évitement sexuel. En légère ou modérée cas de SSPT, il ya des formes complexes…

Ao trabalhar com vítimas de Incidente Crítico pode absorver e reter o seu sofrimento emocional. Assim, o trauma psicológico de outros, pode traumatizar, também se tornando vítimas de alto risco de desenvolver sintomas de stress traumático secundário…

The aim of the present control-trial study was to evaluate the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of child victims of domestic violence (DV) in Iran. 77 students (39 girls and 38 boys) , aged 8-12…

Introdução: Sabemos que quando uma pessoa vivencia um incidente crítico, essa exposição tem impacto considerável sobre seu funcionamento global. Assim, para assegurar a recuperação dos militares brasileiros que estavam no Haiti, escolhemos a técnica…

The aim of these exploratory study is to test the application of therapy EMDR in case of traumatic bereavement. The traumatic bereavement, which corresponds to the brutal loss of "other significant", answers a precise clinical picture whose principal…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a relatively new but effective treatment for victims of trauma. It has been shown to be as effective as CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) but is less time consuming and produces faster results.

Peters, along with several other therapists in the area, instead have turned to EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.

Introdução: Caso de sequestro familiar onde pai e dois filhos pequenos ficaram em cativeiro por 19 horas. Mãe teve que acompanhar os outros assaltantes durante toda a ação criminosa sob ameaça de morte. Objetivo: Reestruturação da dinâmica familiar…

A comprehensive group intervention with 124 children who experienced disaster-related trauma during a massive flood in Santa Fe, Argentina, in 2003 is illustrated, utilizing a one-session group eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)…

In this chapter, Marvasti and Colt explore the victims' response to trauma and examine nontraditional treatment models for psychological trauma. The TARGET model (Trauma Adaptive Recovery Group Education and Therapy) of treatment focuses on current…

L’objectif de cette étude est de mettre en évidence à partir du suivi de six femmes victimes de viols par leur conjoint, les effets de la thérapie « eye movement desensitization reprocessing », notamment en ce qui concerne la réduction des symptômes…

"I would like to ask some questions concerning the protocol you have developed for the miners. Do you differentiate it with people trapped under buildings? I've read your paper quite carehlly and I know you mention it does, but I was wondering about…

Six mental health professionals will fly to Turkey today to train more than 110 local psychologists to treat post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from the recent earthquake. They will use an unusual treatment called Eye Movement Desensitization…

Even the word shocks, jars a little. But most of us have some. Who hasn't been in a car accident, a house fire, lost a loved one, been assaulted? Not to mention child abuse, rape, war... These are the adverse life experiences that are supposed to…

To investigate the posttraumatic growth and its impact factors in victims having experienced Wenchuan earthquake and living in community in one of the most severe disaster area. With the Impact of Event Scale- Revised (IES-R), Posttraumatic Growth…

Objective: To explore the intervention model for sexual assault victims with the systematic view and method of EMDR trauma therapy. Methods: Through the research results and cases study of EMDR therapy on the psychological, physiological and…

This study presents the results of the application of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) and the EMDR Individual Therapy Protocol with twenty five children (n=25, 10 boys and 15 girls) aged between 9 and 14 years old who were…

Participants will: 1) understand the subtleties and complexities of abusive relationships; 2) be able to assess children for subtle signs of abuse and coercion, including brainwashing; 3) be taken through a case of successful treatment of a…

The present study is carried out within a psychological counseling project which is governed by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The study was designed to assess the effects of EMDR Integrated Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-ICTP: on the child…

According to Tedeschi & Calhoun (1995; 2004 and 2006), Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) consists of five ‘domains’: discovery of new possibilities in life; improvements in relating to others; an increased sense of personal strength; greater…

Approximately 750,000 new cases of PTSD arise each year following MVAs in the US alone. The presenter will discuss targeting pain memories and dealing with closed head injuries, as well as PTSD when they co-morbidly occur in the same person. Case…

to EMDR HAP in the Middle East and presentation of clinical work and a pilot study in a situation of ongoing conflict, including early intervention; a presentation of clinical work with victims of torture and organized violence and treatment…

Surviving loved ones of homicide and other violence victims often go untreated. An integration of the EMDR Recent Event Protocol and the Visual Assessment Tool (VAT) supports accurate identification of targets, minimizes client distress and helps to…

EMDR has been used worldwide over the past decade as an empirically validated trauma treatment. During that time, it has become clear that it is possible to simultaneously alleviate suffering, help stop the cycle of violence, and address the…

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There is doubt if dissociative amnesias, the forgetting of traumatic memories, are a helpful condition for a patient or not. Clinically especially difficult is the situation if amnesias occur after an accident, where the condition is possibly…

Illustration of EMDR therapy with five clinical cases of bank employees : victims of robberies. Diversity of immediate stress reactions and long term stress reactions ; and response to desensitization. Curative and preventive contributions of this…

We also use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which involves engaging a person in a bilateral movement, such as following a therapist's finger or tapping the clients knees alternatively, while thinking about traumatic events,…


EMDR (Eye  movement  desensitization  and  re − processing :眼 球 運 動 に よ る 脱 感 作 と 再 処 理 ) は PTSD ( 外傷後 ス トレ ス 障害 )の 治療法の 一つ で あ る . 今回 わ れ わ れ は犯 罪 被 害 に よ る PTSD に EMDR と 薬 物 療 法 を適用 し, PTSD の 著 明 な 改 善 をみ た の で 報 告 した .   症 例 :初診 時 48 歳 ,女性 .X 年 6月…

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