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How does EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) compare to other therapies for trauma? What is the role of the eye movements? What does the research indicate about EMDR's efficacy? Addressing these key questions and more, this…

Dr. Roger Solomon, a well known psychologist in the United States, uses EMDR with very varied traumas, such as SHOAH transgenerational aftereffects, on Dr Michel Meignant, the film’s director. Other French, American (including Francine Shapiro),…


Documentary Film in French with English subtitles- discussion following in French and English.Film en français, sous-titres en anglais, suivi d’une discussion en français et anglais.More and more people are concerned about one of the most radical…

Film de Michel Meignant(en anglais avec sous-titres français suivi d’une discussion en français) (Tous les niveaux)[Film by Michel Meignant (in English with French subtitles followed by a discussion in French Lors de l’atelier de formation d’EMDR…


Brief introductory orientation information about how EMDR will help a person cope with and overcome the adverse experiences and memories which are currently causing trauma and anxieties. This discussion will cover the EMDR content, methods, and…

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The relatively unknown therapy called EMDR, or eye movement desensitising and reprocessing, involves a psychologist waving a finger in front of a patient's eyes while asking them to recall a traumatic memory. Clinical psychologist Graham Taylor said…

In addition to yoga, she specializes in a kind of cognitive behavioral therapy called eye movement desensitization reprocessing or EMDR. [Except]

La question du public: Mise au point en 1987 par une psychologue américaine, Francine Shapiro, la technique EMDR (pour Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming) est de plus en plus utilisée pour soigner différents problèmes, et tout…


" Quel est le prix à payer quand le cancer du sein frappe avant 40 ans? Quatre jeunes femmes racontent ce que d'habitude on ne montre pas. Quand les cheveux ont repoussé mais que tout demeure pourtant si fragile." "L'EMDR, Eye Movement…
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