Bonding and attachment


This paper reviews the issues of major importance in the current study of bonding and attachment. Adopted children and children who have spent some of their childhood in foster care account for a disproportionate number of unattached children. A review of the history of literature relative to bonding and attachment from Freud to Bowlby and to present day experts is presented. The relatively new diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder and the DSM IV diagnostic features are addressed.

The treatment process, including the various accepted techniques that have been somewhat successful, is described. The newest technique, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), developed by Francine Shapiro, is being used to help children who have been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder. The technique is explained in this paper.
Chapter six includes information regarding how to complete a family history and assessment and the outline for a more formal narrative report.

This paper was written to explain bonding and attachment and its format was planned so that parts of it can be used as a teaching tool. The purpose of the paper is to gain knowledge and understanding in this field of study so that children will benefit. Assessing the level of bonding and attachment will assist the helping professional plan appropriate treatment for children and families.






Yvonne R. Bush

Original Work Citation

Bush, Y. R. (1999, June). Bonding and attachment. Prescott College, AZ


“Bonding and attachment,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 16, 2024,

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