Married to a veteran: When memories of past interrupt the present


Incorporating an evidence-based model of psychotherapy such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) helps resolves the reactivity. It assists both parties in reclaiming their lives. Recently, after completing treatment, a veteran said to me "I am home now!" In a follow-up session his spouse noted the amount of fun they regained in their marriage now that memories from the past had been resolved. Dr. Shapiro's book can give you a good overview of how EMDR can help. Individual veterans and a military couple volunteered to share their stores to help others. In addition, the book describes self-help techniques in detail as well as relationship advice. It also gives guidelines to decide if memory processing is a good choice for you. [Excerpt]






E. C. Hurley

Original Work Citation

Hurley, E. C. (2012 February 19). Married to a veteran: When memories of past interrupt the present. Huffington Post. Retrieved from on 2/19/2012


“Married to a veteran: When memories of past interrupt the present,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 16, 2024,

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