Trans-generational transmission of family values and cognitions, and the use of genograms in individual therapy


An initial revision of Bowlby’s attachment theory is used as a theoretical basis for the transmission of family information, such as values, cognitions, as well as non-reprocessed material (trauma), as an attempt for establishing external affect regulation.

Basic options of genogram terminology/drawings are presented, and ways for engaging clients in the exploration of their family values, and how these reflect in personal organization positive and negative beliefs, forming the core of personal and cultural identity.

AIP offers the means for understanding how this systemic information may interfere with storage and retrieval of memories. Transmission of appropriate positive cognitions leads to the foundation of a consistent personality development, whereas transmission of negative cognitions may create the proclivity for future PTSD.

A few case studies are presented, with drawings which depict repercussions of these family values and cognitions in terms of Self and Ego States dynamics - how we inhabit our families and our families inhabit us.

In the more practical part of the workshop, participants encouraged – at an individual level and on a voluntary basis - to sketch the basics of their family genograms, identify more prominent values and abounding positive cognitions, and identify how these are more or less conveyed to personal values.

Participants shall focus exclusively positive cognitions, and how the “positive” genogram may be used as a map for exploring connections between individual and family spheres – a typical Phase 2 resource installation exercise; and we wrap up with voluntary sharing of the experience.






Andre Maurico Monteiro

Original Work Citation

Monteiro, A. M. (2014, June). Trans-generational transmission of family values and cognitions, and the use of genograms in individual therapy. In EMDR clinical specialty - EMDR with children symposium (Joanne Morris-Smith, Chair). Symposium presented at the 15th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland


“Trans-generational transmission of family values and cognitions, and the use of genograms in individual therapy,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 1, 2024,

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