Narcissistic trauma and adaptions to the standard EMDR protocol for healing this complex trauma


Clients who suffer narcissistic trauma from their families of origin, romantic relationships, or in the workplace often have deep-seated blocking beliefs. Without adaptations to the standard protocol, progress is typically slow or unsuccessful due to a lack of generalization. This lack of progress can be caused by memory networks around a negative cognition that have thousands, or even tens of thousands of targets. To efficiently and effectively target these Mega Clusters there are many possible adaptations in every phase of the protocol that helps make EMDR Therapy more effective in these complex cases.






Candise Leininger

Original Work Citation

Leininger, C. (2022). Narcissistic trauma and adaptions to the standard EMDR protocol for healing this complex trauma. Presentation at the EMDR Canada Annual Conference, Virtual


“Narcissistic trauma and adaptions to the standard EMDR protocol for healing this complex trauma,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 6, 2024,

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