The journey of the butterfly: G-TEP with children



The Journey of the Butterfly: G-TEP with Children (C-GTEP) was adaptedduring the COVID pandemic from the Group Traumatic Episode Protocol (G-TEP) developed by Elan Shapiro. Since its birth, it has shown promising results with groups of children affected by trauma. This chapter walks the reader through the C-GTEP procedural steps with children ranging from 4 to 12 years of age with mild to moderate symptomatology. Three delivery layouts are presented: the Butterfly Journey Workbook (Gomez, 2021), C-GTEP on the Ground and C-GTEP in the Sand Tray. Each method and approach to CGTEP is designed to meet the developmental needs of children and work within a variety of settings, from small groups in private practice and community mental health agencies to much larger groups of refugees, students, disaster victims, etc.


Book Section




Ana M. Gomez

Original Work Citation

Gomez, A. M., (2023, November). The journey of the butterfly: G-TEP with children. In Robinson, R. M. and Kaptan, S. K. (Eds.),  EMDR group therapy: Emerging principles and protocols to treat trauma and beyond (pp.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company


“The journey of the butterfly: G-TEP with children,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 8, 2024,

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