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  • Tags: Brain Gym

Even a skilled EMDR therapist often experiences that the adaptive information processing (AIP) does not go well. Since human existence is multi-layered and open system, so negative factors to consolidate traumatic memories before, during, and…

This workshop is a presentation which encompasses the Triune Brain Theory, Educational Kinesiology and recent research on trauma and how it effects brain development and functioning. Information will be presented on the Triune Brain Theory and how…

This presentation describes the Triune Brain Theory and recent research on trauma and its effects on brain development and functioning. How the brain functions when stuck in trauma is then integrated with Brain Gym techniques to explain how to…

Cet atelier regroupe à la fois des éléments de la théorie triunique du cerveau, la kinésiologie éducative et les développements récents sur le fonctionnement du cerveau. Le matériel présenté aidera le thérapeute EMDR à comprendre pourquoi le…
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