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  • Tags: Children and Adolescents

Objective: This study surveyed practices in treating childhood PTSD among child psychiatrists and non-M.D. therapists with self-identified interest in treating traumatized children. Method: An anonymous survey was mailed to 207 child psychiatrists…

This research project evaluated the effectiveness of using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) techniques on children and adolescents (N = 20) between the ages of 7 to 18, who were experiencing anxiety due to traumatic memories. EMDR…

Many clinicians who work with children and adolescents struggle with applying the basic protocol for EMDR for this population. It can feel overwhelming for the clinician to be creative within their own practice without support for what they are…

This workshop will provide a comprehensive system for effectively applying the eight phases of the EMDR protocol with any age client. Participants will learn: 1) Three critical components of effective EMDR Case Conceptualization with children; 2)…

Developmental and systemic perspectives support incorporating the caregiver/family in EMDR treatment of children and adolescents to maximize efficacy and minimize risks. Participants will learn to: 1) identify multiple options, risk factors, and…

Because many clinicians struggle with applying the EMDR protocols with children and adolescents, this workshop will provide a panel of professionals from different fields of expertise to lead a discussion on this topic. The members of the panel are…

We will present the results of a randomized treatment outcome study of 32 children. Half were assigned to treatment with EMDR, while half were assigned to a delayed treatment group. Children resistant to a prior brief counseling treatment were…

The Special Interest Group (SIG) for children and adolescents is the first group to approach EMDRIA and ask for a formal organizational status. This group is devoted to fostering the development and availability of EMDR for children and adolescents.…

Will present the latest available details on research projects in progress involving EMDR with children and adolescents. Focus will be on design, measures, ethics, and other methodological issues, as well as any preliminary findings which may be…

An ongoing study is randomly assigning 100 Austin Child Guidance Center clients aged 6 to 16 to two treatment groups: one which receives at least 5 sessions of EMDR intervention along with routine Center treatment programs, and one which receives…

Many clinicians who work with children and adolescents struggle with applying the basic protocol for EMDR for this population as well as focus on clinical issues that can be treated effectively with EMDR. It can feel overwhleming for the clinican to…

Five examples of nontraditional psychosocial treatments used for children/adolescents are reviewed: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback, deep pressure/touch therapies, stress-challenge treatments,…

This summary provides an overview of the assessment and treatment recommendations contained in the Practice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Major recommendations include the…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensibilisierung und Wiederaufbereitung) hat sich als ein unabhängiger, effektiver und empirisch validierten Ansatz für die Behandlung von chronischen posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTSD) bei Erwachsenen. Diese Arbeit gibt…

Jag har arbetat de senaste tio åren med behandling av barn och ungdomar på en BUP-mottagning i Stockholm i ett invandrartätt område. Jag träffar därför många barn/ungdomar med olika typer av krigstrauman men naturligtvis också klienter med andra…

Children, Adolescents, and EMDR: A closer look In February of 1998, about four months after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Paulina, a team of Mexican therapists along with two EMDR-HAP members as “technical advisors” (myself and Judy Albert)…

EMDR is typically delivered within an individual therapy context, but due to the need to find a more cost effective way to provide treatment, I have been providing EMDR in a group therapy setting for economically disadvantaged school children.

One challenge in using EMDR with children and adolescents is that when kid say they’re done, the processing might not really be complete.

EMDR's use with children and adolescents has come a long way since EMDR was introduced ten years ago.

EMDR techniques with children following crisis will be demonstrated drawing from interventions developed directly at international disaster sites. The nature of immediate intervention with dramatic trauma problems will be addressed in terms of…

This workshop offers creative and practical applications for integrating EMDR into child, adolescent and family systems therapy. Ways to introduce EMDR, uncover targets, adapt cognitive interweave to different ages and stages of development and…

This special interest group is devoted to fostering the development and availablity of EMDR for children and adolescents. Possible SIG sponsored activities may include: information clearinghouse; development of practice and training standards;…

EMDR came into my life as part of my professional need to work with children and teenagers who had been exposed to the most horrible traumas. Traditional play therapy and talking therapy were not working and I watch children develop into unhappy,…

Twenty children and adolescents were treated for a single traumatic memory with a single session of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Treatment was delayed 1 m for half the group. Over half of the 20 participants moved from…

During the past 20 years, the development of brain imaging techniques and new biochemical approaches has led to increased understanding of the biological effects of psychological trauma. New hypotheses have been generated about brain development and…

Das Buch fasst in strukturierter und praxisnaher Weise das aktuelle Wissen über die Anwendung von EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zusammen. Nach 15 Jahren klinischer Praxis und Forschung hat sich…

A high proportion of patients in child and adolescent psychiatry with significant dissociative symptomatology after early childhood traumatization may go undiagnosed, be wrongly diagnosed and/or inappropriately treated. The diagnostics and treatment…

This study examines the effects of a psychodynamic approach of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in treatment of traumatized refugee children. Among a child psychiatric outpatient refugee team, 13 children with post-traumatic…

Trauma is proposed as a key to understanding the development and persistence of conduct disorder in conjunction with other contributing factors. Trauma history is virtually universal in this population, and trauma effects can help to account for many…

Discusses the efficacy of EMDR in the treatment of child and adolescent trauma survivors, with two case examples of succesful EMDR therapy in preadolescents.

This book serves several functions. First, it provides an introduction to a trauma-based integrative approach to child and adolescent psychotherapy, incorporating the selective use of EMDR. It also provides a practical reference for clinicians…

The i-test was developed to assess the visual-perceptual disturbances (VPDs) frequently reported by anxious patients. Persons with the disturbance report a specific abnormal illusion of movement when they maintain a fixed gaze at the i-test stimulus.…

Children exposed to a wide range of traumatic events suffer significant post-traumatic reactions. Randomised controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of interventions with traumatised children are described, the limitations of the current…

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the most recent additions to the armoury of treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This chapter briefly outlines the EMDR procedure, and reviews the growing number of…

This book, written by contributors from the Institute of Psychiatry in London, represents the fruits of ten years of working with survivors of accidents and disasters. It contains a coherent approach to the psychology underpinning their stress…

Behandling av barn och ungdomar med eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) har föga vetenskaplig grund. Ändå används metoden av många psykologer, ibland som ett universalmedel mot alla möjliga psykiska besvär. Treatment of children and…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) ist die zur Zeit effektivste und schonendste Behandlungsform für Menschen mit durch Traumata bedingte Störungen, insbesondere einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Thomas Hensel stellt in…

School refusal behavior is defined as a child-motivated refusal to attend school, or difficulties remaining in school for the entire day. As a heterogeneous condition, it can encompass aspects of phobic-type responses or separation anxiety disorder.…

Het belang van effectieve behandelingen voor kinderen en adolescenten die lijden aan de gevolgen van traumatische ervaringen wordt versterkt. Een beschrijving van de EMDR-procedure is gevolgd door een bespreking van de voordelen van EMDR vergeleken…

Om ontwikkelingsachterstanden en chronische psychopathologie te voorkomen zijn voor kinderen die lijden onder de gevolgen van traumatische ervaringen, effectieve behandelmogelijkheden van groot belang (Chemtob, Nakashima & Carlson, 2002). EMDR –…

Traumatized children frequently exhibit symptoms of disorders other than PTSD. There is evidence of comorbidity between PTSD, depression and other behavioral disorders and a large overlap in symptom criteria between PTSD and depression in children…

Given the limited number of reported cases in literature, it might be concluded that it is rare to develop a choking phobia in childhood. However, it appears as though confusion in terminology and the time lapse between the onset of the disorder and…

Many clinicians who work with children and adolescents struggle with applying the basic protocol for EMDR for this population, as well as focus on clinical issues that can be treated effectively with EMDR. It can feel overwhelming for the clinician…

The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate the clinical pattern of 14 youths with presenting suicidality, to describe an integrative treatment approach, and to estimate therapy effectiveness. Fourteen patients aged 10 to 18 years from a child…
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