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  • Tags: Crisis Intervention

Research indicates that up to 11% of the population experiences dissociation, with a significant portion of individuals in therapy presenting with these symptoms. Despite this prevalence, dissociation assessment remains inadequate in both individual…

This article presents a conceptual three-stage framework and intervention model that should be useful in helping mental health professionals provide acute crisis and trauma treatment services. The ACT model stands for Assessment, Crisis Intervention,…

We reviewed the development of crisis intervention and trauma therapy in China since 1980s. During the past three decades, there is a gradual increase of concern and awareness among different level of Chinese government and the society for the need…

Recent findings from an American Psychological Association task force suggest that one in four therapists will experience patient suicide, and that one in eight will feel threatened by patient violence during their career. Experts from this task…

The efficacy of crisis intervention, such as critical psychological first aid, critical incident stress debriefing, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing and pharmacotherapy, were all evaluated and…

Panic disorder is estimated to affect more than 4% of the U.S. population. It is assumed that this incident rate increases during crisis situations. While the professional literature is replete with references on the treatment of panic disorders, few…

This article examines existing early EMDR intervention (EEI) procedures, presents a conceptual model, and proposes a new comprehensive protocol: the Recent-Traumatic Episode protocol (R-TEP). A review of research and important professional issues…

This article presents the results of a time-limited psychological relief effort using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Clients made highly significant positive…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is described in terms of clinical phenomena, the need for appropriate training in EMDR, and the consistency of neural network theory with BASK theory of dissociation. EMDR treatment failures occur…

Este documento se centra en un modelo de intervención para las catástrofes que utiliza grupo a corto plazo y el enfoque psicoterapéutico conocido como el método EMDR. Ayudar a una gran cantidad de personas es posible a través de este método de…

The standard protocol of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has been well established as an efficacious brief treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addressing past, present, and future aspects of a traumatizing…

Depuis le diagnostic du syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) a été introduit dans le DSM-III en 1980, une variété d'approches psychothérapeutiques ont été développées pour résoudre les problèmes et besoins spécifiques des patients traumatisés.…

A crisis or traumatic situation occurs when a person is involved in a situation that results in an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and/or lack of control (Solomon, 1995). These situations can shatter basic assumptions about how the world works,…

四)眼动脱敏再加工技术(Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing,EMDR)EMDR是一种可以在短短数次晤谈之后,便可在不用药物的情形下,有效减轻心理创伤程度及重建希望和信心的治疗方法。其治疗程序包括了八个阶段,具体见表4:表4眼动脱敏再加工技(Fourthly, EMDR is a treatment which can effectively alleviate the psychological trauma and rebuild hope…
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