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  • Tags: History-Taking Phase

EMDR clinicians are exhorted to take a thorough history from each client prior to processing, but in most trainings little time is spent on how to do so. Many trainees mistakenly assume that the first three of the eight phases of treatment are…

In the EMDR approach to psychotherapy, each patient is approached in an individualized manner. This presentation will clarify core elements of history taking and AIP informed case formulation including pacing, methods and depth of history taking and…

Cases of single incident posttraumatic stress disorder often permit a degree of standardization in history taking and preparation phases of EMDR. However for clients with complex histories of neglect and trauma a standardized approach is seldom…

In this article, I describe various tools to support EMDR treatment. Those are how we collect positive aspects in the traumatic event in client history taking phase, how we link with positive aspects by using cognitive interweave, and how we keep…

Le style général d’attachement de nos clients en psychothérapie EMDR vient influencer différents moments du processus thérapeutique: la création de rapport thérapeutique, la collecte de données, les besoins en matière de préparation au EMDR, les…
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