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  • Tags: Mothers

Yvonne en Robert, ouders van dochter Eva van ruim 3 jaar en zoon Koen van ruim 1 jaar, melden hun dochter aan in verband met ernstige gedragsproblemen. Ze verleidt hen de hele dag tot een verbale strijd. Zij is in het gezin allesbepalend en erg…

Objective: Despite advances in obstetric and neonatal care, many parents will experience the stillborn birth or death of a infant. Stillbirth is a devastating experience for women, and sometimes leads to depression, anxiety, traumatic grief and…

Le 13 Mai 2014, la plus grande catastrophe minière de l'histoire de la Turquie est survenue à Soma. Dans cette catastrophe, 301 mineurs ont perdu la vie, 255 femmes sont devenues veuves et 432 enfants sont devenus orphelins. Une prise en charge EMDR…

This chapter presents an inside view of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) narrated by a client who was requested to tell her story to educate clinicians and clients so that others might be healed. The client's vivid account of her…

Describes the features borderline personality disorders (BPD) in mothers and the impact it can have the family, then describes the treatment model, which combines Bowen's family systems theory with eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR).…
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