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  • Tags: Phantom Limb Pain

Objective: Little research substantiates long-term gains in the treatment of phantom limb pain. This report describes and evaluates an eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment with extensive follow-up. Design: A case series of…

The successful treatment of left lower limb phantom pain with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing psychotherapy is reported. A theory of traumatic dissociation is proposed to explain the phantom limb pain.

In the present pilot study, an EMDR clinician provided five sessions of EMDR to each of two participants with phantom limb pain (PLP). Both participants had a single leg amputation below the knee. One had suffered from PLP for one year; the other for…

Five consecutive cases of phantom limb pain were treated with EMDR. The time since the amputation ranged from one week to three years. Four of the five clients completed the prescribed treatment and reported that pain was completely eliminated, or…

Background: Chronic phantom limb pain (PLP) is a disabling chronic pain syndrome for which regular pain treatment is seldom effective. Pain memories resulting from long-lasting preamputation pain or pain flashbacks, which are part of a traumatic…

Een 68-jarige man, die had fantoompijn had in zijn been en voet voor 27 jaar, werd verwezen voor EMDR. Deze case studie laat zien dat na 10 sessies, de intensiteit van de pijn was gedaald 10-1 (op een schaal van 10). Verdere sessies, voornamelijk…

Mevrouw Tiggelaar komt met haar scootmobiel mijn spreekkamer binnengereden. Ze is 66 jaar en mist haar linkerbeen. Haar rechterbeen ligt horizontaal op een steun. Ze is verwezen door haar internist omdat ze niet meer wil leven met de fantoompijn die…

We are reporting the case of a female patient with severe chronic pain, which was successfully treated applying a phantom limb pain (PLP) protocol of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). The patient is a seventy-­‐ year-­‐old…

This report describes a female client with phantom limb pain (PLP), who was successfully treated by eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) using a PLP protocol, as well as her cerebral activities, measured by near-infrared spectroscopy…

Phantom limb pain is a puzzling phenomenon, from the viewpoints of both the patient experiencing it and the clinician trying to treat it. This review focuses on psychologic aspects in the origin of the PLP and critically evaluates the various…

Summary: Purpose The aim of this research was to challenge the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in the treatment of the phantom breast syndrome. Method: Two patients agreed to participate in this study and were…

It has been estimated that more than 50% of patients suffer from phantom limb pain after amputation. Present study was conducted to identify efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing on the phantom limb pain of patients with…

Aim and Background: More than 50% of patients suffer from phantom limb pain after amputation. This study was conducted to identify the effect of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing on phantom limb pain in patients with amputation. Methods…

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) on the phantom limb pain (PLP) of patients with amputations within a 24-month follow-up. This study was a randomized-controlled trial. A total…

L’approche psychothérapeutique intégrative EMDR repose sur des concepts issus d’observation faites dans l’état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) des données de la biologie [1 ] et sur le modèle du traitement adaptatif de l’information. Dans l’ESPT,…

Les douleurs fantômes sont présentes chez 70 à 90 % des sujets suite à une amputation. Ces douleurs influencent négativement le quotidien des amputés. Il existe de nombreux traitements, mais aucun ne fait l’unanimité. Problématique :…

Objectif: Évaluer les effets de la psychothérapie EMDR dans la priseen charge de patientes souffrant du syndrome du sein fantôme (SSF)après mastectomie. Méthode: Huit patientes souffrant de SSF ont bénéficié d’une priseen charge EMDR. Il s’agissait…

The effectiveness of EMDR therapy in treating veterans diagnosed with PTSD was evaluated in this study using two treatment formats: intensive daily EMDR treatment provided twice a day during a 10-day period and a second format of one session each…
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