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Therapists need to understand how evidence based practice drives choice points in treatment planning and intervention. Researchease is not a misspelling, but the concept of helping therapists learn how to read, understand, and discuss research with…

El modelo teórico en que se basa el EMDR, es el Sistema de Procesamiento de la Información a Estados Adaptativos (SPIA). Este modelo postula que mucho de la psicopatología se debe a la codificación mal adaptativa y/o procesamiento incompleto de…

If you learn about the accomplishments of Francine Shapiro, you will quickly discover that she is a humanitarian who cares deeply about the well being of people. In addition to all of these great successes, she also offers various different…

Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking die kampen metpsychiatrische stoornissen hebben gespecialiseerde zorg nodig. Kristal wil de reguliere GGZ voor hen toegankelijk maken en biedt die zorg. De eerste onderzoeksresultaten zijn veelbelovend.People…

Role theory/therapy was developed almost one hundred years ago, and one of its greatest innovators was Jacob Moreno, the founder of Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy. This workshop will present the use of eight-­‐phase EMDR treatment approach as a…

There is increasing attention for embedding research in mental healthcare. This involves a linkage between scientific research and routine practice, where research is fed by questions from practice and scientific insights are implemented better and…

Even with her emphasis on fidelity to the protocols of EMDR, Shapiro acknowledges the importance of the therapeutic alliance. She described the execution of EMDR as an essential interaction between client, method, and clinician. This workshop…

This workshop will focus on the benefits of EMDR to the therapist, rather than to the client (for whom they are already well established!). It will examine the therapeutic relationship that is made necessary by the AIP, where in the therapist now…

Par la présentation détaillée d’un cas de burn-out, nous découvrirons ensemble comment une approche intégrée en psycho-dynamique et en EMDR enrichit la compréhension et le traitement du client et le travail du thérapeute. Nous insisterons sur…

Twenty years ago, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) began as a clinical technique used to help clients reprocess major traumatic experiences. Since then, EMDR has developed into a comprehensive psychotherapy approach which is also…

This film weaves personal stories into discussion about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing's evolution and remarkable development. Researchers and practitioners from across the world share their reflections about EMDR's early days when…

Wat is het toch dat EMDR zo bijzonder maakt? Hoe kunnen we de blije verbazing verklaren van therapeuten die ermee werken en van patiënten die het ondergaan? Vermoedelijk heeft het ermee te maken dat wat we waarnemen bij EMDR, niet strookt met wat we…

Voor een tijdje nu EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is niet meer uitsluitend gebruikt voor de behandeling van directe effecten van psychologische trauma's, zoals PTSS. De behandelmethode wordt steeds toegepast in een grote…

Het Handboek EMDR is het leerboek bij de EMDR basistrainingen die door de Vereniging EMDR Nederland worden erkend. Wat in het handboek ontbreekt, is informatie over de behandeling van lastige problematiek en ernstig beschadigde patiënten. Het…

This week, readers of the Consults blog posed questions about eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or E.M.D.R., a psychological therapy pioneered by Francine Shapiro that uses eye movements and other procedures to process traumatic…

Objetivos de aprendizagem: • Identificar quando começar uma sessão de EMDR; • Nomear as principais limitações do uso de EMDR; • Demonstrar quanto de estimulação é necessária em uma sessão de EMDR; • Definir quais são as principais decisões que…

História de EMDR; os estudos controlados; de EMD para EMDR; o cérebro traumatizado.History of EMDR, controlled studies; EMD to EMDR, the brain injured.

EMDR (Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento por Movimientos Oculares) es un abordaje terapéutico novedoso y efectivo. Desarrollado por Francine Shapiro a partir de 1987, ha concitado la atención de clínicos e investigadores, contando al día de la fecha…

Esse processo de “desmanche” vem de traumas do passado. “Algo acontece com a criança e ela cresce com essa desvalorização de si mesma, acreditando em coisas a respeito dela que são falsas”, diz Carla, que trabalha com a terapia denominada…

En este trabajo se presentan 3 casos clinicos de diversa naturaleza, ilustrativos del proceso terapeutico llevado a cabo por medio de EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento por Movimientos Oculares).…

Psychodynamic metódy a kognitívno-behaviorálna terapia boli najčastejšie metódy na liečbu posttraumatickej stresovej poruchy a napätie vyvolané syndrómy. EMDR - Eye Movement desenzibilizácie a prepracovanie nový psychoterapeutický prístup, ktorý…

相比其他传统心理疗法,EMDR疗法有着巨大的优势,如治疗时间短、可操作性强,费用低廉等。与此同时,也存在着一些对EMDR治疗待批评性的观点,如:有些学者指出EMDR的眼动效应似乎过于表面化,因此质疑其疗效的稳定性。有人指出EMDR仅是目前比较成熟的...(Compared to other traditional psychological treatment, EMDR has many advantages, such as it only requires a short period…

Introduction The first paper on Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) was published by Shapiro (1989a), a little over 20 years ago. Since that first paper, it would be fair to say that EMDR has been mired in controversy (Russell, 2008). Many…

In Southeast Asia there was a huge, spectacular, solid gold statue of the Buddha that was covered up with plaster so that war-time intruders wouldn’t realize its worth and steal or harm it. Centuries later, a flood caused a crack in the status and…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a method which was initially used for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. But it is now being used in different therapeutic situations. EMDR is an eight-phase treatment method.…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has established itself as an evidence-based psychotherapy for the treatment of trauma and other related mental health disorders. Despite the numerous studies touting EMDR’s efficacy, it is still…

In the previous paper, [Dunne, T. (2011, February). The history and development of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. The Irish Psychologist, 37(4), 99-105] we reviewed the origins and beginnings of EMDR and outlined the EMDR Protocol in…

Aujourd’hui, il m’arrive fréquemment d’introduire une série de sessions d’EMDR dans le suivi d’un client – notamment lorsqu’émerge dans l’anamnèse un traumatisme psy-chologique majeur : décès, suicide ou accident grave d’un proche (ou du client…

Today, I often include a series of EMDR sessions in my work with a client – especially when major psychological traumas emerge in their case history: a death, a suicide or a serious accident affecting someone close to them (or the client himself),…

Ce sont d’abord les vétérans de la guerre du Vietnam qui en ont bénéficié. Aujourd’hui, l’EMDR s’utilise pour guérir des traumatismes de toutes natures. Rien qu’en bougeant les yeux... Traumatisme. Le mot résonne avec force. Il est associé à la…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a relatively new but effective treatment for victims of trauma. It has been shown to be as effective as CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) but is less time consuming and produces faster results.

Who is the author of PCs? Are they constructed during the assessment phase of treatment or do empowering, calming thoughts emerge during processing? Can we think of these compassionate, confident thoughts as the Self that has been described…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment technique for resolving Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and other DSM IV disorders. It has caused quite a lot of discussion in the clinical and insurance communities, as well as…

The watch wait and wonder (www) approach to parental and infant mental health was developed in Toronto over the last 20 years. In the last few years a number of therapists have set up www clinics in the UK. We have been running a joint EMDR and www…

EMDR is een effectieve techniek, waarmee vaak hele mooie resultaten worden bereikt. Maar zelfs EMDR werkt niet altijd. Er zijn cliënten bij wie de EMDR niet lukt, niet aanslaat, niets oplevert, of erger nog: zelfs averechts werkt. Voor dergelijke…

Er zijn verschillende theorieën om de gunstige effecten van EMDR te verklaren. De laatste jaren wijst onderzoek op dit terrein steeds meer in de richting van de zogenaamde werkgeheugenhypothese. Niet in de laatste plaats vanwege het onderzoek van…

Een tijdje geleden alweer deed ik mee aan een vierdaagse cursus EMDR. Aanvankelijk was ik sceptisch. Hoezo nou een behandelvorm die sneller beter resultaat had dan andere vormen van behandelen?! Maar toen werd ik erdoor gegrepen. Ik raakte in de ban…

Enkele jaren geleden deed de EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) haar intrede in de behandeling van psychotrauma’s. Deze methode was hoewel niet geheel begrepen qua mechanisme ontegenzeggelijk spectaculair qua resultaat door de…

EMDR is een geprotocolleerde, evidence-based behandelprocedure gericht op het ‘desensitiseren’ – verzwakken – van herinneringen aan beschadigende gebeurtenissen. Volgens de Multidisciplinaire richtlijn Angststoornissen uit 2003 is EMDR één van de…

EMDR werkt. Zoveel is duidelijk. Er is veel onderzoek verricht naar het effect van EMDR bij mensen met een posttraumatische stressstoornis. Er zijn de afgelopen twintig jaar ruim veertig studies verschenen waarin EMDR werd vergeleken met onder andere…

EMDR therapy directly addresses the physiologically stored memory networks that underlie both psychological problems and mental health. This adaptive information processing orientation to both case conceptualization and clinical application will be…

This research project investigated how EMDR Therapists integrated EMDR into their clinical practice post-training and what, if any, difficulties they experienced. A total of 74 respondents completed a questionnaire and 9 respondents were interviewed…
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