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  • Tags: Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is a relatively rare disorder in which individuals who have the ability to speak and comprehend spoken language are unable to speak in specific social situations. This condition is typically resistant to intervention, becoming more…

In diesem Beitrag wird beschrieben, wie Traumatherapie unter Einbeziehung der Körperwahrnehmung schonend gestaltet und so einer Retraumatisierungsgefahr wirksam begegnet wird. Ziel ist das Erlangen der Fähigkeit, den Aktivierungszustand des autonomen…

This paper describes how trauma therapy including body awareness can reduce the impact of the traumatic memory and can efficiently prevent retraumatization. The goal is to achieve the ability to self-regulate activation of the autonomic nervous…

This case concerns a 4,5 year old girl with Selective Mutism. In this particular case. I considered Selective Mutism a symptom of an attachment trauma. Since the trauma wasn't accessible seeing her age and the complexity of the trauma, I used the…

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the EMDR-integrative group treatment protocol for ongoing traumatic stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS) in reducing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety symptoms in…
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