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  • Tags: Neurobiology

Nouvelle discipline, la psychoneurobiologie est fondée à la fois sur la psychologie et sur les neurosciences. Son but est de permettre une compréhension nouvelle du fonctionnement et des dysfonctionnements psychiques de tous ordres afin d'adapter au…

This article describes the positive effects of a trauma-based approach with an adopted adolescent girl, diagnosed with Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD). Although symptoms seemed at first sight traumaunrelated, exploration of her pre- and post-adoption…

Bullying is one of the most common violence forms, defined as a form of instrumental aggression that is proactive, and not a response to aggressive behavior demonstrated by a victim.  Three types of victimization have been described: physical…

EMDR therapy is recommended in several guidelines in the International field of psychological trauma. The dual attention stimuli/ alternating bilateral stimulation (DAS/ABS) element of EMDR therapy has no proposed mechanism of action agreed upon,…

L’exposition à une maladie mortelle comme le cancer peut constituer une expérience traumatique qui dans certains cas peut conduire au développement d’un état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT). Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs études ont…

What exactly happens on a neurobiological basis when we live our normal existence? What are the online wakeful underpinnings of consciousness? What are the implications of this data on the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model? This workshop…

Resilience is an embodied state of mindful, compassionate attention to the needs of self and others. It creates an interpersonal field of open mind and heart, in which information and intuition flow organically, cultivating excellence in practice.…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an eight‐phase psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the physiological information processing system in the origin and treatment of mental health issues. Its theoretical basis is…

La exposición a una enfermedad potencialmente mortal como el cáncer puede constituir una experiencia traumática que, en algunos casos, puede dar lugar al desarrollo de un trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT). En los últimos años, varios estudios…

After many early cautions about the potential dangers of using EMDR Therapy with individuals suffering from complex PTSD, many clinicians have limited its use to the treatment of traumatic memories in high functioning patients. This is generally done…

The exposure to a life-threatening disease such as cancer may constitute a traumatic experience that in some cases may lead to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In recent years, several studies investigated this syndrome in…

EMDR is a standard method for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and consists of main two strategies which the first is desensitization and the second is the resource development and installation (RDI). The latter also has a protocol in…

Disruption of fear processing seems to be at the core of posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Indeed, mechanisms of fear conditioning, extinction and extinction recall have been found to be disrupted in PTSD patients. We have demonstrated that such…

Life stress events (physical and emotional abuse) are relevant psychosocial risk factors for the development of Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). TRD patients who have suffered life stress events could benefit from EMDR and obtain a more durable…

With the contemporary rise in traumatic sources (especially but not only in the Arab part of the world, and more recently in France), the WHO recent reports describe PTSD as an increasing global health issue, due to its high frequency, severity,…

Physiological monitoring is rarely used in therapeutical setting. Recent advances in wearable sensor technology and new algorithms for psychophysiological sensing open new ways to understand a clients' affective state in real time. The emotional…

Both trauma and neglect, resulting in the absence of essential developmental experiences required to express a fundamental potential of a child, are pervasive problems in our culture. Chaos, threat and abnormal patterns of emotional, social,…

This workshop will focus on widening and deepening our treatment of children by integrating into the AIP model and the EMDR protocol, developmental knowledge and effective techniques to deal with the unique challenges presented by children of various…

The development of a young child is profoundly influenced by experience. Experiences shape the organization of the brain which, in turn, influences the emotional, social, cognitive and physiological activities. Insights into this process come from…

Las investigaciones con neuroimagen sobre los efectos de las psicoterapias que tratan el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), incluyendo la terapia de desensibilización y reprocesamiento por movimientos oculares (EMDR), han mostrado hallazgos…

La mente humana es difícil de investigar, pero los fundamentos biológicos de la mente, sobre todo de la conciencia, generalmente conllevan una mayor complejidad. En este artículo, extraído del libro Fundamentos neurobiológicos para la práctica de…

Recent neuroscience and neurobiological research in the area of Traumatic Stress is discussed. A specific focus is on how on understanding of brain processes and how they relate to our theoretical understanding and current thinking about how EMDR…

This book is about developing an integrative model of doing EMDR psychotherapy in a multi-faceted way in order to get close to children's reality and to help them and their families heal. It explains how emphasis has to be placed on several…

Neuroimaging-Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen PTSD-fokussierter Therapien, einschlie ß lich Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), berichten von entsprechenden Veränderungsbefunden in der zerebralen Durchblutung (CBF; single photon…

During the last ten years research focused on EMDR has dramatically grown. A substantial arm of the scientific knowledge of EMDR functional mechanisms is represented by neuroimaging, investigating the neurobiological correlates of the therapy. Since…

The mechanism of psychotherapy is explained by the recent developments in neuroscience and neuroimaging. The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of psychotherapy and to discuss the future of psychotherapy improvement with the help of…

Les investigations en neuroimagerie sur les effets des psychothérapies qui traitent l'état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT), dont l'EMDR (désensibilisation et retraitement par les mouvements oculaires), ont décrit des résultats cohérents avec des…

Encompassing the contributions of expert clinicians and researchers in the area of traumatic stress and dissociation, this volume is the first to integrate current neuroscience research regarding traumatic dissociation with several cutting-edge…

Eye Movement Integration therapy (EMI) is a relatively new therapeutic modality, based on a neurobiological model of trauma. This paper advances the empirical knowledge base of EMI, by assessing its utility with a cohort of 12 adolescents, aged 14 to…

Recenti studi hanno dimostrato come la sindrome da stress post-traumatico (PTSD) possa causare nel cervello cambiamenti sia strutturali che funzionali. Studi di imaging funzionale tramite tomografia ad emissione di fotone singolo (SPECT) e ad…

Recent neuroscience research is discussed with a view towards increasing our understanding of underlying neurobiological processes with respect to the phenomenology of dissociation. It is suggested that dissociation is a result on a breakdown in the…

Dr. Marquis and Dr. Sprowls will present on the Neurobiology of OCD and the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, (EMDR). This treatment is based on clinical research and practice,…

This workshop explains the neurobiology of trauma in a simple, yet highly usable manner. Upon completion of this workshop, attendees should be able to readily apply this information for better formulating their clients’ issues and EMDR treatment…

This conference presentation abstract summarizes a workshop that details the role of the cerebellum in EMDR processing by synthesizing the existing research with theoretical speculation correlated with Francine Shapiro's model of the accelerated…

This conference presentation abstract summarizes a workshop that details the role of the cerebellum in EMDR processing by synthesizing the existing research with theoretical speculation correlated with Francine Shapiro's model of the accelerated…

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing turns out to be an effective therapy for the treatment of PTSD. This article reviews the neurobiological models that are proposed and defended to explain its success. The author presents a reasoned…

Specifically, we discuss the use of different body therapy interventions to increase body awareness and mindfulness, their use for the development of somatic resources, and their usefulness in maximizing the integration of traumatic memories and…

Neuroimaging investigations of the effects of psychotherapies treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), have reported findings consistent with modifications in cerebral blood flow…

Neuroscience research can guide trauma treatment including EMDR, ego state, somatic, and attachment therapies (Lanius, Paulsen & Corrigan, in press). Traumatic memories tend to be encoded somatically and affectively in implicit memory. Lower…

Eye Movement Desenzibilizace a přepracování (EMDR) představuje slibný přístup k léčbě posttraumatické stresové poruchy. Empirické poznatky poskytují důkazy o vlivu EMDR na snížení subjektivně vnímané živostí a emocionální zátěž z autobiographic…

There is increasing evidence to support the biological basis of mental disorders. Subsequently, understanding the neurobiological context from which mental distress arises can help counselors appropriately apply cognitive behavioral therapy and other…

The human mind is difficult to investigate, but the biological foundations of the mind, especially consciousness, are generally regarded as the most daunting. In this article, excerpted from the book Neurobiological Foundations for EMDR Practice…

AimEye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a recognized first-line treatment for psychological trauma. However its neurobiological bases have not been disclosed yet. MethodsElectroencephalography was used for the first time to fully…

Recent neuroscience research is discussed with a view towards increasing our understanding of underlying neurobiological processes with respect to the phenomenology of dissociation. It is suggested that dissociation is a result on a breakdown in the…

This workshop explains the neurobiology of trauma in a simple, yet highly usable manner. Upon completion of this workshop, attendees should be able to readily apply this information for better formulating their clients’ issues and treatment…
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