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  • Tags: Stabilization

This presentation offers a systematic approach for the treatment of patients with complex traumatization. The first step involves assessing the severity of the illness, using Babette Rothchild's trauma classification. A variety of techniques will…

Clients with complex and severe trauma histories require stabilization of symptoms, and containment of affect before ever beginning EMDR. A wealth of stabilization tools helps mitigate the impact of dysregulated affect and physiology. The tools…

When developing a treatment plan, clinicians need to be able to recognize not only the specific effects of trauma but to consider symptoms reflecting limited capacities for emotional self regulation. Such problems are often found when client…

For every client who comes for treatment with trauma-related symptoms and complaints, we ask ourselves at least once: What shall we do? Stabilization or confrontation? Sometimes the answer is easy, many times it is a difficult decision. In this…

This video presents information on treating complex PTSD. Topics discussed include: Importance of Stabilization Work, Stabilization Techniques, Adjunctive Therapies in PTSD Treatment, EMDR as Resource Development, Psychodrama, Group Therapy,…

This workshop initially will review the 8 phase EMDR protocol for implementation with severely traumatized and dissociative children and provide advanced skills utilizing the EMDR protocol with this population. The 8 phase EMDR protocol will be…

Psychotherapie der PTBS ist oft in die Phasen der Stabilisierung und Konfrontation unterteilt. In der Stabilisierungsphase lernt der Patient, Strategien zur Regulierung und Kontrolle beeinflussen Symptome. Danach kann die Erinnerungen an das…

The purpose of the protocols in the chapters by this author is to help clinicians learn stabilization interventions for use in the Preparation Phase of EMDR treatment. Using these interventions will aid clients in developing readiness for processing…

Clients who have experienced severe trauma often feel that there is a lack of safety in their lives. Therefore, it is helpful to have an uncontaminated place where it is possible for the client to meet and get acquainted with the ego states and a…

Alternative to violence has developed a group treatment model structured by the theory of structural dissociation and EMDR trauma treatment theory. Woman with ethnic minority background received short terms group treatment at a shelter for victims of…

The poster presents two short case studies – vignettes. Both represent an illustration of interactions between stabilization techniques and trauma confrontation using ERMDR in the psychotherapy of PTSD. The first case portrays a part of a longer and…

Both EMDR and Trauma-Focused CBT are the two main recommended treatments for symptoms of trauma meeting diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In accordance with current literature, contrasting the use of Trauma-Focused CBT with…

“The Three Tests” A systematic approach to stabilization: Working with severely traumatized clients, we are confronted with many difficult questions, impossible choices and dilemmas: is the client ready for (EMDR-)trauma work, or is more…

In this workshop I will discuss and illustrate by video fragments, the steps of trauma reprocessing with a very instable DID patient. The patient was suffering from sudden severe self-cutting that took place outside the patient's own consciousness.…

De zes testen, een stabilisatie methode voor chronisch getraumatiseerde en dissociatieve kinderen. De stabilisatie en behandeling van deze kinderen kan gecompliceerd zijn. Vanzelfsprekend is het creëren van een veilige omgeving en een hechtingsfiguur…

In deze presentatie zal ik, ook met behulp van video clips, bespreken het proces van de patiënt met een trauma CIS in acuut gevaar. Er was ernstige zelfbeschadiging dat elke volledig buiten het bewustzijn van de patiënt heeft plaatsgevonden. In…

Bij iedere cliënt die zich aanmeldt met traumagerelateerde klachten en symptomen, wordt de vraag tenminste éénmaal in de loop van de behandeling gesteld: Wat doen we? Toedekken of openleggen? Stabilisatie of traumaverwerking? In deze presentatie…

Mit der EMDR-Behandlung (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) steht ein relativ neues, sehr zeitökonomisches Verfahren zur Behandlung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung zur Verfügung. Es handelt sich um eine manualisierte…

Onder behandelaars van getraumatiseerde asielzoekers en vluchtelingen wordt soms hevig gediscussieerd over de vraag met welke interventies deze patiënten het beste geholpen zijn. Bijvoorbeeld: een vluchtelinge, slachtoffer van oorlogsgeweld, durft…

This highly participatory workshop will teach four 60-second strategies that can be learned quickly by clinicians and used immediately with clients. The presenter has used these strategies over ten years at an urban Hispanic Clinic, and with children…

A estabilização é o momento do processo onde recebemos o paciente construímos rapport, entendimento comum do que esta se passando, damos informações psicopedagógicas sobre o trauma e o que é EMDR e o preparamos para as próximas fases. Esta…

Working with mourning clients can be difficult. To face the irrevocability of loss and to stand helpless and empty-handed as a therapist is a heavy burden. Sometimes it seems there is nothing we can do to help our clients. Yet there are many ways in…

A phased model of treatment is recommended for the treatment of people who have experienced repeated and multiple traumas and who may still be facing ongoing stress and threat. Establishing a sense of safety and stability is the first stage of…

As proposed in a previous article in this journal, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) clinicians treating clients with complex trauma-related disorders may benefit from knowing and applying the theory of structural dissociation of…

This conference abstract summarizes a presentation which explored the uses of EMDR in stabilization work with dissociative disorder patients. Modified EMDR techniques which decrease instructions and increase focus and bodily calm are detailed.…

Traumatic events and PTSD are frequent in severe mental disorders, initiate and worsen the course and outcome. Therefore, psychotherapeutic interventions in this indication are clinically important but have been rarely studied. In this workshop we…

North Aceh is an area in Indonesia that affected by the armed conflict for a long time. On September 2013 there are 11 children who are victims of sodomy in Batee Lapan, North Aceh. This study aims to determine the psychological condition of the…

This workshop initially provides an overview of dissociation and how it impacts on EMDR processing. There will be an explanation of Ego State Therapy (EST) and how it fits with EMDR to provide the stabilization clients need, as well as dealing with…

性的虐待の実態を提示し、外傷の重症度に影響を与える要因を議論することを目的とした作者。また、治療的アプローチ、EMDRの実装に関連するポイント、EMDRの認知織り特定のタイプ、および虐待を受けた人のためのストレス対処戦略の獲得だけでなく、臨床医自身の二次外傷性ストレスに対する対策がある発表した。The authors aimed to present the actual state of sexual abuse and discuss factors that affect the…

These methods have been adapted for use in group settings from Katie O’Shea’s “EMDR Friendly Preparation Methods for Adults and Children”, published in EMDR Solutions II (Shapiro, R. 2009); and presented at EMDR Europe 2003 and 2006. Healthy…

Clients with dissociative disorders can present with overt, subtle or hidden dissociative pathology. Symptoms from internal conflict and hypoarousal frequently go unrecognized. In this workshop, clinicians will be exposed to a “progressive approach”…

Jak sugeruje poprzedni artykuł w niniejszym piśmie, znajomość i stosowanie teorii strukturalnej dysocjacji osobowości (TSDP) oraz towarzyszącej jej psychologii czynności może przynieść korzyści lekarzom stosującym terapię EMDR (odwrażliwiania za…

According to current treatment guidelines for Complex PTSD (cPTSD), psychotherapy for adults with cPTSD should start with a “stabilization phase.” This phase, focusing on teaching self-regulation strategies, was designed to ensure that an individual…

Background Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a first-line treatment for adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some clinicians argue that with refugees, directly targeting traumatic memories through EMDR may…

The workshop will start with a presentation of the newest research findings for the treatment of complex trauma.These findings contradict long (and dearly) held beliefs about the treatment of complex clients with psychosis, borderline personality…

Wie bereits in einem früheren Artikel in dieser Zeitschrift dargelegt, können Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)-Behandler, die Patienten mit komplexen traumabezogenen Störungen behandeln, von der Kenntnis und der Anwendung der…

The Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) system is a mind-body-spiritual model that has found supportive evidence with the advances in neuroimaging and neuropsychology. The AIP is hypothesized to be resilient and naturally directed toward repair;…
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