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  • Tags: Therapeutic Processes

The purpose of this qualitative grounded theory study was to explore the experience of clients and therapists during conjoint EMDR treatment. The theory emerging from the data provides perspectives not captured in previous research and may prove…

In this video series, Bessel van der Kolk and other clinicians from The Trauma Center, along with therapists Joyanna Silberg and Frances Waters, describe the assessment tools and therapeutic approaches that they have found most useful in working the…

Explores the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with children and adolescents. The book demystifies the application of EMDR for children, from the first session with the parents to later sessions with children at all…

Denne artikkelen beskriver de psykologiske og fysiske konsekvenser av traumer. Det vurderinger deretter ulike terapeutiske tiltak for posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD). Metoder basert på atferds-og kognitive strategier synes mest effektive i…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) (Shapiro 1989a, 1989b, 1995) is an innovative, comprehensive approach to psychotherapy. While EMDR's use of eye movements has attracted a great deal of attention, the efficacy of the EMDR method…

The purpose of this article is to argue that as long as the therapeutic community relies on commonly accepted sacred cows to produce results, little if any progress will take place. The five sacred cows of traditional psychological interventions…
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