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Cet article traite de la transmission de traumatismes aussi bien transgénérationnels que vicariants en intégrant la notion de neurones miroirs. A partir du travail thérapeutique mené avec deux patientes présentant des séquelles post-traumatiques en…

Unresolved traumatic memories not only lead to ptsd or complex ptsd but even have their impact on the following generations. Our workshop focusses on the EMDR treatment of PTSD and other related disorders relating to war exposure and the processing…

This workshop explores use of EMDR to access and reprocess embedded ancestral, familial and cultural material. This work includes both detoxifying negatives and enhancing strengths emerging from a client’s distant but powerful past sources. Learn how…

Transgeneral transmission of trauma is today well recognized. People who haven’t experienced adverse events nevertheless feel the wounds of what happened as if trauma had occured to them. They show clinical signs of trauma and dissociation,…

For patients with intergenerational trauma histories that include oppression, war, genocide, and immigration to a new culture, it is important to develop a treatment plan that includes attention to the patient’s affective and cognitive narratives of…

For patients with intergenerational trauma histories that include oppression, war, genocide, and immigration to a new culture, it is important to develop a treatment plan that includes attention to the patient’s affective and cognitive narratives of…

Some more complex clients present vague complaints and have difficulties in maintaining emotional regulation. They do not seem to progress well, even though the sequence of targets has been completed, and PTSD symptoms have abated. Therapists may…

Transgenerational transmission of trauma is today well recognized. People who haven’t experienced adverse events nevertheless feel the wounds of what happened as if trauma had occurred to them. They show clinical signs of trauma and dissociation,…

Trans-generational trauma refers to the trauma that passes through generations. It has been observed that not only do the individuals experience trauma themselves, they may also pass the symptoms and behaviours of trauma survival on to their…

There is growing consensus that trauma can arise not only from the direct impact of adverse experiences, but also from transgenerational transmission. A growing body of research points to the influence of epigenetics. While DNA carries our inherited…

Parmi les blessures traumatiques transmises, nous distinguons trois niveaux : les traumatismes familiaux, les traumatismes transgénérationnels et les traumatismes vicariants. On peut parler de traumatisme familial ou collectif, lorsque les effets…
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