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  • Tags: Traumatic Grief

A critical incident is a situation that results in an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and/or lack of control. Information taken in during the traumatic situation may become dysfunctionally stored in the brain, unable to process, resulting in PTSD…

The externalization of the grief process through Art Therapy and internal processing of imagery through EMDR will be discussed.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the differential effects of treatment of a complex of symptomatology that includes grief, PTSD, anxiety, and self-esteem by comparing eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and…

Traumatic bereavement is the state of having suffered the loss of a loved one when grief over the death is overpowered by the traumatic stress brought about by its circumstances. EMDR can be integrated into treatment of traumatic bereavement to…

Cette étude exploratoire a pour objectif de tester l’application de la thérapie Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) dans le cadre de la prise en charge du deuil traumatique. Le deuil traumatique, qui correspond à la perte brutale…

The aim of these exploratory study is to test the application of therapy EMDR in case of traumatic bereavement. The traumatic bereavement, which corresponds to the brutal loss of "other significant", answers a precise clinical picture whose principal…

Il dolore è uno di reazione ad una perdita e lutto è l'assimilazione e la sistemazione della perdita. Trauma può disabilitare la possibilità di far fronte, mettere in pericolo il funzionamento, compromettere la capacità di adattarsi, e aggiungere in…

Doriene werd in augustus 2007 door de huisarts aangemeld in verband met paniekaanvallen. In het intakegesprek vertelde Doriene dat ze het gevoel heeft dat de angst haar overvalt. Tijdens een paniekaanval heeft ze het koud en warm tegelijkertijd,…

This case series was conducted to assess the applicability of EMDR for the management of traumatic grief, and to explore the common concerns of these patients. Methods:Through purposive sampling, 6 patients undergoing EMDR to manage emotional and…

Traumatic grief is associated with symptoms and reactions that develops in people experiencing this loss as a result of sudden and violent death of a loved one. The grief after the loss is a normal and natural reaction. Traumatic grief affects the…

AmaçFlash Emdr Tekniği, travmatik veya diğer rahatsız edici anılarla ilişkili psikopatolojik düzeyi azaltmak için yakın zamanda geliştirilmiş bir terapötik müdahaledir. Birçok geleneksel travma terapisi müdahalesinin aksine, Flash Emdr Tekniği,…
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