Developing an EMDR therapy clinic for psychosis in an LBGT homeless population


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocess (EMDR) therapy was developed by Francine Shapiro, PhD, USA, 1987; it has successfully helped over a million individuals to treat psychological reactions to trauma; a number of other complaints including depression, addictions, phobias, a variety of self-esteem issues & psychosis. Its standard 8-Phase, 3-Pronged Protocol and the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model is the lens through which a clinician identified pathology; directs therapeutic endeavor and it is predictive of outcome. The AIP model views psychiatric phenomena, negative behaviours and personality characteristics as the result of dysfunctionally linked memory networks (DLMN). A psychotic-belief is therefore understood to be a symptom of the DLMN and when targeted in EMDR theray, psychotic phenomena decrease or resolve completely, Miller's iCoNN model facilitates an AIP formulation of psychosis. The literature observes that there is an increased likelihood of negative outcomes in homeless youths who self-identify as members of a sexual minority group. This substantial population are known to exhibit high rates of externalizing and internalizing problems including psychosis. Adults between the ages of 25-49 make up 52% of those experiencing homelessness in Canada. Cnsidering the challenges associated with medication use in a homeless population, the application of non-medication form of treatment, such as EMDR therapy is desirable. This poster describes the formation of such a clinical service by one of the authors (JC) with supervision by the other (PWM); learning points and early outcomes are discussed.






Paul W. Miller
Jess Converse

Original Work Citation

Miller, P. W., & Converse, J. (2019, September). Developing an EMDR therapy clinic for psychosis in an LBGT homeless population. Poster presented at the 24th EMDR International Association Conference, Orange County, CA


“Developing an EMDR therapy clinic for psychosis in an LBGT homeless population,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 12, 2024,

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