Group EMDR inside schools and universities: A natural match



One need lookno further than educational institutions to discover an ideal setting for Group EMDR therapy. Designed to promote group learning, these environments host group activities all day long. Regardless of the issues, Group EMDR Therapy is an efficacious intervention to utilize across a broad spectrum of problems and populations. Not only does this intervention accommodate more people, but each participant also can work on their unique trauma, allowing the opportunity for more people to heal at once. Additionally, Group EMDR Therapy has the potential to reduce burnout for teachers and administration, increase staff and student retention, improve student focus, increase students’ performance, and enhance long-term outcomes for participants. This chapter will identify a multitude of topics that may be addressed utilizing Group EMDR Therapy, as well as the current treatment protocol typically provided in school settings, practical application and challenges that may be encountered.


Book Section




Anne-Marie T. Brown
Zeynep Zat Ciftci

Original Work Citation

Brown, A.-M. T., & Ciftci, Z. Z. (2023, November). Group EMDR inside schools and universities: A natural match. In Robinson, R. M. and Kaptan, S. K. (Eds.), EMDR group therapy: Emerging principles and protocols to treat trauma and beyond (pp.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company


“Group EMDR inside schools and universities: A natural match,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 12, 2024,

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