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  • Tags: Acute Stress Reaction

EMDR Early Interventions are effective mental health protocols and techniques to support those affected by the devastating impact of trauma on individuals, groups, and communities. The global situation with many suffering from fires, earthquakes,…

Starting and maintaining a community response network (CRN) is rewarding and time consuming. Whether you are a volunteer nonprofit or a for profit organization, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Advanced planning facilitates a stronger response,…

To address the COVID-19 mental health challenge, Dr. Jarero and his team adapted for remote (online) use. They conducted research on the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) for Ongoing Traumatic Stress Remote (EMDR-IGTP-OTS-R). In…

Después de un desastre natural o uno causado por intervención humana, las personas afectadas desarrollan una serie de síntomas que de no ser tratados de manera pronta pueden incrementar en severidad. Las intervenciones tempranas con EMDR han sido…

Participants interested in EMDR Early Interventions, rapid response, and humanitarian mental health work will be introduced to the Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) procedures – Low-Intensity-Interventions that can be administered…

This article presents a protocol for treating recent trauma at the acute stress reaction (ASR) stage when the event is still fresh and overwhelming, and the trauma survivor does not yet have a coherent narrative. This protocol is for treating those…
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