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  • Tags: Autism

This chapter integrates principles of the neurodiversity-affirming paradigm with EMDR therapy for children who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (autism) and/or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A summary of the rapidly…

The EMDR Autism Toolbox: This practical workshop will consider the 8-phases of EMDR therapy and how they can be adapted when working with autistic clients. It will draw on case studies, clinical experience and research. Therapists will leave with…

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Autistic people have a high incidence of mental health problems, and research indicates that they are particularly vulnerable to trauma. They are more likely to experience bullying and abuse from others, and they are more likely to experience…

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Autism has changed. Many EMDR therapists will have been trained at a time when most individuals with diagnoses of autism were boys with learning disabilities. Now increasingly girls are being diagnosed, and in recent years there has been an…

Children, young people, and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), including autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), are known to be at risk of experiencing high rates of traumatic events. EMDR is an evidence-based…

Autistic and ADHD children have many strengths which can often benefit society, despite the equal challenges that may be experienced by neurodiverse children trying to navigate a neurotypical social world. Where neurodiverse children experience…

Neurodiversity relates to clients whose 'brains are wired differently' (Singer, 2017) such as individuals with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia. Neurodiverse individuals offer huge benefits and advantages to our society, through their unique perspective on the…

Kleinhans (2009) reports that individuals with autism tend to experience over arousal or hyper excitability of the amygdala, which plays a key role in regulating emotions.  Van Steensel and Heeman (1999) report that as children with Autism grow, they…

This case study explores the formulation and treatment of an adult male with a sexual offending history in a secure setting in England. He was detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) and was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with a…

Autistic people commonly experience co-morbid mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and low mood. General consensus is that autistic people can benefit from evidence-based psychological therapies, with…

Autistic individuals are at greater risk of experiencing adverse and traumatic life events. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), a psychological therapy, is potentially effective for treating the constellation of difficulties arising…

Background. Evidence suggests that clinicians tend to overlook symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Until now, the effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy…

Due to the lack of information in the literature and lack of research in using EMDR therapy with children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I have developed my own methods incorporating suggestions from other EMDR therapy practitioners (see…

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Top Ten Characteristics of Autism As Important Considerations for EMDR Prep Speech and Language delays, related to individuals position on the spectrum, from non verbal to high functioning and Aspergers, both expressive and receptive Attention…

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• Emotionele en gedragsproblemen: behorend bij de handicap of gevolg van trauma? • Is EMDR toepasbaar als er sprake is van beperkte cognitieve vaardigheden en een verstoorde prikkelverwerking? • Welk effect kan een succesvolle behandeling hebben op…

Autism is characterized by impairment in information processing, with direct consequences for the AIP in EMDR as a result. This core impairment in autism strongly influences attachment development, relation to and communication with others, sense of…


Edwin werd op 13-jarige leeftijd opgenomen in de kinderkliniek van het Dr. Leo Kannerhuis (LKH) in verband met zijn stoornis in het autistisch spectrum. Na enkele jaren in de kinderkliniek wordt hij doorgeplaatst naar de jongerenkliniek waar hij,…

Trauma and its ensuing accommodations, including challenging behaviors, have been a growing consideration for practitioners working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Recognizing the importance of one’s client’s…

A lot of children with autism spectrum disorders are treated with EMDR in my practice, especially whenever there are traumatic situations, ( i.e. bullying!!, sexual harassment) anxiety, often as a start of further treatment or embedded in an…

Children suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorders have fundamental impairments in their understanding of social relationships, emotions and understand the perspectives of others. They also have impairment in their communicative abilities. They can…
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