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  • Tags: Borderline Personality Disorder

This workshop will focus on integrating EMDR into a phase-oriented recovery plan in treating adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. EMDR applications with the full range of trauma-related syndromes, including simple and complex PTSD,…

Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) usually experience significant impairment in their ability to function. Impulsivity, affect instability, interpersonal difficulties, and identity problems are hallmark features of this…

EMDR has become an important tool for treating the trauma that so frequently characterizes the personal histories of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This patient population presents extraordinary risks in the face of treatment…

There is a strong link between Borderline Personality Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. DBT is the most effective method of treating Borderline Personality Disorder. EMDR and adjunct therapies may be effectively incorporated into these…

Describes the features borderline personality disorders (BPD) in mothers and the impact it can have the family, then describes the treatment model, which combines Bowen's family systems theory with eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR).…

Marsha Linehan's dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a wonderfully effective treatment for people with borderline personality. It is a non-blaming, compassionate, therapeutic approach, based solidly on research data about what borderline…

One of the fascinating developments in mental health care in the last decade has been the appearance of specific psychotherapies for various psychiatric illnesses. Perhaps the best known of these is dialetical behavior therapy (DBT), pioneered by…

Using therapeutic experiences from the USA (Herman, Putnam, Ross) and the Netherlands (Olthuis, van der Hart) Luise Reddemann (Bielefeld) and Ulrich Sachsse(Goettingen) developed an inpatients’ program for female and some male patients with symptoms,…

This pilot study (2 cases) tests the feasibility, safety and efficacy of 24 sessions of the Strategic Developmental Model for EMDR in Boderline Personality Disorder subjects who have completed Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Nog niet zo heel lang geleden werd verondersteld dat patiënten met borderline problematiek succesvol behandelen onmogelijk is. Inmiddels zijn er diverse behandelingen effectief gebleken. Deze behandelingen resulteren zelfs effecten in relatief korte…

Marion is een 28-jarige vrouw die eind 2003 een tbs krijgt opgelegd vanwege een poging tot brandstichting. Haar zus doet aangifte. Er zijn geen eerdere veroordelingen geweest, maar Marion heeft wel eerder brand gesticht. In 1996 sticht zij voor het…

The adaptation of the order of the EMDR 8-phase standard protocol to target specific abandonment issues first and primarily limits the therapy interfering behaviours which lengthens overall therapeutic intervention duration and acts as a road-block…

From my clinical work over the past 4 years a case series of 15 women patients, all detained in a secure hospital for periods of up to 30 years discharged after EMDR therapy. Some cases discussed in depth, others factor analysed as case series. Drug…

The paper presents a clinical case of an initial diagnosis of BPD referred to ARP by local psychiatric services where she was treated for a suicide attempt. The client presented serious affective dysregulation, impulse dyscontrol, dissociative…

Gli autoriesaminano i diversi criteri diagnostici per il disturbo borderline di personalità, leggendoli secondo la prospettiva del modello dell’elaborazione adattiva dell’informazione e indicandoli come guida all’esplorazione e ricerca di ricordi…

Onveilige en ongeorganiseerd bijlagen en het begin van relationele verwaarlozing en trauma diepgaand effect op het ontwikkelingstraject van de toekomstige volwassen en verhogen het risico op het ontwikkelen Borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis (BPD).…

Los trastornos de personalidad son un grupo complejo a la hora de trabajar en psicoterapia. Los problemas relacionales y las reacciones emocionales desbordantes suelen estar en un primer plano. Muchos de estos trastornos están generados en una…

BPD patients present difficulties with self-regulation and relating to others. The management of these difficulties is central to the treatment of BPD. Working with cases of BPD and complex trauma is intrinsically relational, often involving the need…

Los pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad y adicciones suponen un desafío para los centros de atención específicos. Los pacientes con patología dual suelen presentar dificultades en los programas orientados a la evitación del consumo. No…

The overall stigma- and gender-related controversies that surround the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) present a unique ethical mandate to the practitioner. The relationship between trauma and the BPD diagnosis strengthens the need…

边缘型人格障碍(BPD)患者通常有显著的功能行使能力损害。其特征是冲动、情绪不稳、人际困难和身份认同问题,常常导致自杀行为和自杀姿态。虽然传统上认为BPD是一种慢性持久的障碍,但近期的研究却提示它可能会随着时间流逝而有所缓解,而且心理治疗可以促进缓解。BPD的病因与童年期虐待和不恰当的依恋关系有关。由于童年期虐待和创伤的重要意义,被公认有效的创伤治疗方法——眼动脱敏与再加工(EMDR)可能作为BP...Individuals diagnosed with borderline…

Los trastornos de personalidad se han asociado a problemas de apego y trauma temprano, siendo de todos ellos el trastorno límite el que presenta unos porcentajes más elevados. La aplicación de terapias orientadas al trauma como EMDR…

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) presents great challenges for clinicians. Patients with this diagnosis are known for being impulsive, reactive and highly sensitive. They often present with high-risk behaviors, suicidal ideation and a history of…

Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder usually show impulsive behavior, difficulty in affect regulation, interpersonal difficulties. Other symptoms include intense fear of abandonment, intense anger and irritability. People with…

There is a growing interest in the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy beyond posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) where its application is well established. With strong scholarly consensus that early traumatic and…

In a naturalistic outcome study, the authors evaluated the results of a specific psychodynamically oriented trauma–focused inpatient treatment for women with complex posttraumatic stress disorder and concomitant borderline personality disorder,…

Borderline Personality Disorder and EMDR proposes a comprehensive framework for working with this complex group of clients. The theoretical background integrates attachment theory, structural dissociation, and the adaptive information processing…

Il y a aujourd’hui un intérêt croissant pour l’utilisation de la thérapie de désensibilisation et de retraitement par les mouvements oculaires (EMDR), au-delà du traitement de l’état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) où son application est bien…

Existe un interés creciente en usar la terapia de desensibilización y reprocesamiento mediante movimientos oculares (EMDR) más allá del trastorno por estrés postraumático; para el cual dicha aplicación está bien consolidada. Con el fuerte consenso…

Why is EMDR Used in People with BPD? While EMDR therapy was originally designed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it's now often used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders and depression — when a…

Objective: This study aimed at reporting the effect of the 3-phase model of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in the treatment of a patient with borderline personality disorder. Method: A 33-year-old female, who met the DSM-IV-TR criteria…

Here is the ultimate self-guide to the Eye Movement Desensitization and Resolution (EMDR) process. With just a few steps, with this book/workbook, you can easily access the tested method to say good-bye finally: To the trauma that has taken hold of…

Background and objectives Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, EMDR is not typically offered to people with PTSD who also meet the…

Objective Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is a classification within the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision (ICD-11) that, besides the DSM-5 symptom clusters of post-post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), includes…

Exposure to adverse childhood events plays an important role in the development of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Emerging evidence suggests that trauma-focused therapy using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) can be…

Les praticiens ont besoin de collecter des informations sur les problèmes présents, ainsi que sur les expériences négatives et traumatiques du passé, tout en gardant à l’esprit le souci du rythme du patient et de sa tolérance à l’affect. Il est…
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