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  • Tags: Neurobiology

Eye Movement Desenzibilizácia a prepracovanie predstavuje sľubný prístup k liečbe poúrazových porúch. Medzi špecifické faktory, z ktorých jej účinnosť spoliehajú predovšetkým na bilaterálnej stimulácie, ktorá ako sa zdá, vyvolať špecifickú…

El trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT) se caracteriza por temor, desesperanza u horror intensos en personas que han sido expuestas a acontecimientos traumáticos. La terapia de Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento por Movimiento Ocular (EMDR), es…

This poster acts as additional material to the presentation at this conference on the same topic. The proposal for an extension to Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) (Shapiro 1995, 2001) is derived from the author’s doctoral thesis (Blore 2012a) –…

Abstract: Si bien es cierto que el EMDR tiene como objetivo el procesamiento de la información perturbadora hacia un estado adaptativo, no lo es menos que una exhaustiva y previa preparación de la persona, con el fin de asegurar sus recursos…

Although most patients respond well to EMDR treatment, those with dissociative disorders often become more fragmented: they experience flooding of memory, or they become disconnected and numb. Faced with the dissociative patient who cannot tolerate…

Un forte supporto all'uso prove di EMDR nei pazienti affetti da disturbo post-traumatico da stress (PTSD). Obiettivo. Per valutare l'efficacia clinica e neurobiologica-strutturale di EMDR alla droga naïve PTSD senza comorbidità. Materiali e metodi.…

I EEG in un gruppo di dieci soggetti con grave trauma psicologico trattati con EMDR e in dieci controlli sono stati registrati sia durante l'ascolto del racconto autobiografico del trauma indice (script) e nel corso di una intera sessione EMDR. Gli…

Conclusions: The implemented methodology made possible for the first time to image and represent on the cortical surface the specific brain activations associated with the therapeutic actions contemplated by EMDR protocol. These findings suggest the…

This volume introduces the most current research about the neural underpinnings of consciousness and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) in regard to attachment traumatic stress and dissociation. It is the first book to…

Nos últimos dez anos, as pesquisas sugerem que o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) seja uma desordem de humor, memória e integração somatossensorial. Estudos com neuroimagens e neuroendocrinologia têm demonstrado marcadores muito claros…

A neurobiological definition of EMDR can serve to further legitimize its usage. It can also potentially enlighten our practice by informing preparation, resourcing and target selection strategies. (PsycEXTRA Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights…

Het menselijk brein is bijzonder veerkrachtig. Als gevolg op een traumatische ervaring ontstaat er in het lichaam een keten aan reacties. De meeste van deze reacties zijn adaptief en gericht op een natuurlijke verwerking. Bij 10 tot 20 % van de…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) wordt veelvuldig toegepast in de klinische praktijk. Hoewel er goede resultaten worden geboekt met deze behandeling, blijft voor veel mensen onduidelijk welke processen aan de werking van EMDR ten…

The study of traumatology is increasingly more reliant on an understanding of the neurological and biological mechanisms involved. It is a complex area for many people working with trauma who have not had a background in human biology. So often…

In the recent years the number of neuroimaging studies evaluating neural correlates of psychotherapy has steadily increased revealing its clear neurobiological effects on brain function across a wide range of psychiatric disorders. Functional studies…

La sindrome da stress post-traumatico (PTSD) causa nel cervello cambiamenti sia anatomici sia funzionali in specifiche aree cerebrali associate alla risposta emotiva al trauma ed alla relativa insorgenza dei sintomi. Studi di immagini funzionali…

Göz hareketleriyle duyarsızlaştırma ve yeniden işleme (EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), son yıllarda oldukça ilgi çeken terapi yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu ilginin bir nedeni, özellikle Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB)…

Explanations of the neurobiological mechanisms of the Adaptive Information Processing Model and EMDR continue to engender debate among researchers and practitioners. A complete biological explanation was suggested by Tinbergen(1) to require…

Recent neuroscience research is discussed with a view towards increasing our understanding of underlying neurobiological processes with respect to the phenomenology of dissociation. It is suggested that dissociation is a result on a breakdown in…

This presentation will synthesize the existing neurobiological research on information- processing. Specific attention will be given to recent empirical findings, involving the hippocampus and thalamus in perceptual, memorial, emotional, cognitive,…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing represents a promising approach to treatment of posttraumatic disord-ers. The specific factors underlying its effectiveness rely particularly on bilateral stimulation, which seems to provoke a specific…

Francine Shapiro, the originator of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), stumbled quite by accident upon the potentially positive effects of eye movements in desensitising negative emotions and cognitions. Ironically, she wasn't the…

This paper describes how trauma therapy including body awareness can reduce the impact of the traumatic memory and can efficiently prevent retraumatization. The goal is to achieve the ability to self-regulate activation of the autonomic nervous…

In diesem Beitrag wird beschrieben, wie Traumatherapie unter Einbeziehung der Körperwahrnehmung schonend gestaltet und so einer Retraumatisierungsgefahr wirksam begegnet wird. Ziel ist das Erlangen der Fähigkeit, den Aktivierungszustand des autonomen…

It is hypothesized that eye movements used in EMDR practice influence both memory and emotional state, some laboratory studies provide evidence for such influence (Christman et al, 2003, Neurobiology; Barrowcliff et al., J. Forensic Psychiatry and…

Given that EMDR originated as an empirically driven method, there has been a persistent need for a more defined theoretical and neurobiological model of EMDR's reported robust effects. This presentation will synthesize the existing research on…

This workshop is presented in a manner that is highly “usable” for diagnostic and treatment formulation. Some of the areas that will be covered include: 1) How trauma is defined by our culture and DSM-IV, versus the reality of how each human brain…

Given that EMDR originated as an empirically driven method, there has been a persistent need for a more defined theoretical and neurobiological model of EMDR's reported robust effects. This presentation will synthesize the existing research on…

Recent neuroscience research is discussed with a view towards increasing our understanding of underlying neurobiological processes with respect to traumatic stress syndromes and EMDR treatment. Moreover, the relevant neuroscience research and theory…

Ever since people's responses to overwhelming experiences have been systematically explored, researchers have noted that a trauma is stored in somatic memory and expressed as changes in the biological stress response. Intense emotions at the time of…

La investigación realizada en los laboratorios orientada a aclarar los procesos de la memoria en el hombre han mostrado de manera coherente que la memoria es un proceso activo y constructivo: la mente está reensamblando de manera constante las…

Most of the effort that has been driving the increasing overlap between talking therapy and neuroscience has come from work that is beginning to understand the cytoarchitecture of the frontal cortex, on the one hand, and techniques like neuroimaging…

Introduzione:negli ultimi anni il numero di studi condotti nell’ambito dei disturbi causati da eventi traumatici ha subito una forte accelerazione rilevando l’esistenza di alterazioni fisiologiche e morfologiche in specifiche aree cerebrali associate…

Life is often an enduring struggle for people who have been chronically traumatized. Their suffering essentially recounts a horrifying and anguished past that haunts them, incessantly. As clients attempt to hide their sorrow beneath a veneer of…

This article is an overview of the three article published in the ejournal, TRAUMATOLOGYe's Volume IV, Issue 1 in 1998. Regarding the issue's first article (Bergmann, 1998), it is noted that recent discoveries make it possible to not only understand…

This article is a Modification of a talk at the Swedenborg Scientific Association Annual Meeting in Bryn Athyn on 5 May 2001.In June 1998 I learned of a technique called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), for treating painful…

Clinical case reports and controlled research suggest that EMDR is equally and perhaps more efficacious than other methods in treating PTSD. However, as EMDR originated as an empirically driven method, there has persisted a need for a more defined…

This workshop presents three related and integrated themes: I. - The neurobiology of trauma made simple, yet highly “usable” for clinical formulation. A. How trauma is defined by our culture and DSM-IV, versus the reality of how each human brain…

In the recent years, the number of studies using neuro-imaging to evaluate neural correlates of psychotherapy has steadily increased revealing its clear neurobiological effects on brain function across a wide range of psychiatric disorders.…

EMDR has developed on a theoretical background of information processing. What do we know about the structure and functioning of the processing parts of the brain, or “the processor?” In this talk I will bring together information from the research…

Prior presentations focused on EMDR’s ability to activate REM-sleep systems and to mediate frontal lobe activation. New research on the Thalamus and thalamo-cortical-temporal-binding and Somato-sensory integration will be introduced. Accordingly, new…

Given that EMDR originated as an empirically driven method, there has persisted a need for a more defined theoretical and neurobiological model of EMDR’s reported robust effects. This presentation will synthesize the existing research on memory…

This workshop presents three interconnecting and integrated themes: The neurobiology of trauma made simple, yet highly “usable” for clinical formulation and treatment planning; The stages of human brain development made simple, but geared for…

Current research in neuroscience and the neurobiology of dissociation is discussed and its connection to a wide variety of traumatic stress syndromes and attachment related disorders. Dissociation is a normal and adaptive response to overwhelming…
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