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  • Tags: Plenary

Disagreements regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions to prevent and treat post traumatic disorders have caused divisions within the traumatic stress field and had a negative impact on its image to the outside world. The emergence…

When clinicians understand how dissociation works and how to manage it, the considerable benefits of EMDR therapy can be provided to clients with complex posttraumatic disorders. This presentation is designed to help clinicians manage dissociative…

In 1989, the seminal randomized controlled study on EMD appeared in the Journal of Traumatic Stress. However, by the time the first trainings began in the US in 1990, the principles now known as the Adaptive Information Processing model were guiding…

Participants will: 1) understand the three primary aspects of EMDR treatment; 2) understand the implictions of the adaptive information processing system; and 3) be able to describe the conceptual basis of EMDR targeting.

EMDR is guided by the Adaptive Information Processing paradigm, which differentiates it from other forms of psychotherapy. The model was formulated to describe clinical phenomena observed in EMDR, successfully predict treatment effects, and guide…

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is a long term, in-depth, epidemiologic analysis of over 17,000 middle-aged, middle-class Americans, matching their current health status against 10 categories of adverse childhood experiences that…

"Bridging the gap between research and clinical practice" is a challenging and elusive goal. Outcome data, while critical for the legitimacy and advancement of clinical work, often fail to translate into practical skill sets. It is only when…

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To work effectively with managed care one has to know its history, its development, and the drivers for change that are shaping the industry's future. In a global economy the competitiveness of US companies was seen to be hampered by the cost of…

Participants will have basic knowledge about 1) the variety of psychophysiological responses to trauma; 2) current status of our knowledge about how the shutting off of the trauma response is mediated on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and the…

EMDR treatment of complex trauma-related disorders may benefit from a clear understanding of the dissociative nature of these disorders. Dissociation is an undue division of the personality among two or more psychobiological systems or “dissociative…

The early studies of trauma in late 19th century Paris centered on the clinical phenomenon of conversion hysteria, a dissociative disorder. Janet and Freud wrote extensively on this topic, and actually described many of the posttraumatic syndromes…

Until recently we had little knowledge how to help people integrate such disintegrated traumatic imprints. Traditionally, before the advent of contemporary methods of treatment outcome evaluation, many clinicians, from Pierre Janet to Milton Erikson…

This plenary will be divided into two parts. During the first past of the morning, we will examine the impact of early neglect, abuse, and attachment disruption on the development, functioning, and identity of an individual. We will review the range…

The panel reviews EMDR research, explains the strengths and weaknesses of its current status, and discusses possible future research in the next 5 to 10 years. The panel begins with a discussion of the meaning of “evidence-based” designations, and…

EMDR therapy directly addresses the physiologically stored memory networks that underlie both psychological problems and mental health. This adaptive information processing orientation to both case conceptualization and clinical application will be…

Mentalization involves a state of mind in which an individual can observe and reflect upon the internal state of self and others with flexibility and lack of judgement. Mentalization naturally enhances clients’ capacity to utilize therapy, including…

Most persons who develop PTSD in the aftermath of exposure recover from trauma-related symptoms, but remain at risk for a recrudescence of symptoms. This suggests that there are aspects of the response to high magnitude trauma that are long-lasting,…

Participants will: 1) explore the interconnectedness of trauma and violence; 2) examine a variety of new therapeutic applications; and 3) review the integrated nature of the EMDR protocols.

Four dimensions of consciousness, including time, thought, body, and emotion often become drastically altered as a result of traumatic experience. Even though such alterations in consciousness can be adaptive during the encounter of traumatic events,…

Given the heavy global burden of trauma and its far-reaching consequences for individuals and societies, why has not more been done about it? Recent innovations, growing awareness and existing health infrastructures open up new possibilities for…

Research focused on EMDR has dramatically grown and neuroimaging represents a powerful tool to investigate its neurobiological correlates. The impact of EMDR on cortical and sub-cortical brain regions involved in PTSD has been proven by several…

Questa relazione descrive l’applicazione dell’EMDR come trattamento precoce focalizzato sul trauma rivolto a bambini coinvolti in diastri collettivi (disastri naturali, incidenti e provocato in modo intenzionale dalla mano dell’uomo). Il trattamento…

Resilience is more than the ability to bounce back from adversity. It is a transformative process that reveals our inherent nobility, a rite of passage from pieces to peace. Resilient people face reality head-on, take action, find deeper meaning in…

Molti studi di Risonanza Magnetica (RM) hanno mostrato che in pazienti con Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress (DPTS) è presente un volume ippocampale più piccolo se confrontato con i controlli sani. Allo stesso tempo altre indagini hanno mostrato che…

PTSD appears to incorporate two quite separate sets of processes. One is concerned with specific reactions to extreme threat. The encoding of long-lasting image-based memories interferes with the encoding of verbal memories that are necessary to…

The use of EMDR is often complicated with traumatized clients who cannot modulate arousal, stay present rather than dissociating, tolerate positive or negative affect, or differentiate past and present. Beset with an array of baffling, intense…

EMDR stimulates the body to heal the mind. Progress in neuroscience and recent clinical studies are shedding light on how mind and body affect each other. The central mechanism of healing is homeostasis: the body's ability to return to balance when…

Progress in neuroscience and recent clinical studies are shedding light on how mind and body affect each other. The central mechanism of healing is homeostatisis: the body's ability to return to balance when provided with basic biological needs. This…


Dr. Schore will discuss current models of the neurobiology of attachment, detailing the enduring positive and negative impact of interactively regulated and dysregulated bodily-based affective transactions on the organization of the infant’s…

Attachment theory has identified adults with a secure attachment style as more resilient to stress and trauma than insecurely attached adults. The secure adult tends to have supportive relationships which buffer him from stress (Bowlby, 1988), and he…

Humans, as social mammals, are on a quest for safety. The need to feel safe is the prepotent survival related motivator impacting on all aspects of human experience by biasing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Threat reactions not only disrupt…

The session will: explain four different meanings of the word “dissociation" and clarify which ones are relevant to the psychobiology of dissociation; review the structural model of dissociation and how it unifies the dissociative disorders and PTSD;…

We report about an empirical investigation of EMDR working mechanisms. 55 EMDR sessions were psycho physiologically monitored including start and end of each stimulation set (N = 811). The results demonstrate a sharp increase of parasympathetic tone…

This plenary will offer an overview of one perspective for understanding the human mind, the impact of trauma on development, and the role of psychotherapy in the resolution of traumatic impairments to mental health. By examining the fundamental…

This presentation will focus on following points: 1. Chinese view on psychotrauma 2. EMDR in Mainland China I: International Psychotrauma Continuous Training Program organized by HAP Germany and HAP Europe3. EMDR in Mainland China II: Ongoing work on…

Lo status attuale dell’EMDR nel mondo della psicoterapia è sempre in evoluzione, nonostante gli sviluppi positivi degli ultimi 10 anni. Le sfide arrivano dal campo del trattamento del trauma sia nell’ambito dell’EMDR che dal mondo accademico della…

This seminar will describe particular means to strengthen the somatic component of the EMDR Protocol for clients that have the following characteristics: dissociation from the body, ungrounded, unable to feel somatic sensations and impulses, lack of…

The Art of EMDR is the dance between client and therapist involving attunement, synchrony, and resonance. It is expressed through optimal dual attention stimulation (DAS) and understanding clinical choice points that maximize processing. This…

Developed over the past thirty years, "Somatic Experiecing" (SE) has gained increasing recognition as a powerful body-based therapy that can awaken one's innate self-regulative response to overwhelm. Based on a naturalistic understanding of how…

The most important determinant of physical health is mental health. Adverse childhood experiences set the stage for chronic illness, substance abuse, and trauma later in life through epigenetic changes, neurochemistry, immune function and brain…

Evidence based practice has gained increased attention in recent years, having been advanced initially by the medical professions, encouraged by various academic institutions, increasingly required by insurance companies, and endorsed by many…
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