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After a short introduction concerning the special problems people with an intellectual handicap often have in their iives and the many forms of psychotrauma which arise for them in situations which are by others sometimes not experienced as…

This poster shows the adaptation of drawings, pictures and metaphorical language (Spanish and Portuguese as well as English) to the traditional 8-phase EMDR protocol, used with adults and when its implementation can be useful. The protocol will be…

CIPBS (Conflict Imagination Painting and Bilateral Stimulation) is a new, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Shapiro) and KIP (Katathym imaginative Psychotherapie, Lerner) related approach for trauma exposure and crisis intervention…

In my current position as a clinical psychologist based on a hlgh school campus, I often have occasion to meet with adolescents who are suicidal, some having recently made suicidal gestures. Despite the complexity and variety of presenting issues,…

This is a practical guide to objectively scored measures of child/adolescent post-traumatic stress symptoms. It is geared to the field-based researcher and the practicing clinician, who must balance scientific value with the limitations inherent in…

This case discussion focuses on a traumatically blinded man. Treatment involved stabilisation using ego-state work with bilateral stimulation, followed by trauma processing work using EMDR. The aim of this paper is to assess his response to this…

Homicide perpetrators present a high prevalence of major mental disorders, particularly major depression associated with a substance diagnostic, and schizophreny (Cote & Hodgins, 1992). Recently, it has been suggested that the homicide behaviour…

The case study presents EMDR-psychotherapy on a female patient, physically and emotionolly abused by her partners during the course of three marriages. EMDR-therapy was the second part of the therapeutic process; the first part successfully treated…

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It is still not clear whether brain hemodynamics plays a role in the functional and structural alterations in schizophrenia, since prior imaging studies showed conflicting findings. In this study we non-invasively explored cerebral and cerebellar…

This purpose of this study was to investigate the role of eye movements in EMDR, and to test the efficacy of EMDR in the treatment of guilt associated with combat-trauma. A single-case multiple component cross-over design across seven participants…

I would like to present a case of palmar-plantar hyperhidrosis, treated with EMDR psychotherapy. Hyperhidrosis is a rather common disorder generally resistant to psychotherapeutic treatment; therefore the resolution of such a case with EMDR is a…

Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL) gli studi dei motivi o "programmazione" creati dall'interazione tra cervello (neuro), linguaggio (linguistica) e il corpo. (1) Analogamente a EMDR, PNL si riferisce ad altri modelli della psicologia e della…

Since there were only a very few specialised trauma therapists in the region in the beginning of the "PTSD-Unit", we had to treat all kinds of type-I and type-II trauma around, that is: victims of technical or natural disasters, of car accidents and…

In this poster I am going to raise the question of integrating EMDR in family and couple therapy. This is a philosophical question. I actually am asking if it's possible to integrate an individual approach with a systemic one. Those scholars who…

Tsunami that hit Aceh on the 26th of December 2004 taken approximately 150,000 lives has changed the region into a devastated area. Although health services and facilities had been re-established and some NGOs started delivering psychosocial and…

The aim of my study is to explore how EMDR trained Therapists explain to themselves and their clients, how EMDR works in clinical practice, in their views. A second aim of my study is to examine how EMDR trained Therapists’ explanations relate to…

Despite the high prevalence of PTSD in refugee populations, it is as yet unclear how to treat traumatised refugees and asylum seekers most effectively. Whilst EMDR is a treatment of choice for PTSD, it is considered good clinical practice to use a…

The Poster Presentation will address the therapeutic issues of a complex bereavement case with traumatized history in a bicultural society. EMDR as an integrative psychotherapeutic approach and theory like the “Structural Dissociation of the…

The knowledge on the treatment of psychological trauma in Thailand is still in its rudimentary stage despite the fact that the country has been known for its highly trained medical personnel who are capable of providing sophisticated medical…

This presentation compares two different descriptions: Paradigm and State of Consciousness, of the changes, observable in a psychotherapy integrated with EMDR, to establish which of the two descriptions is the most likely and consistent. Applying the…

Every culture has its special way to deal with grief. In Chinese culture which is collectivism-oriented, people deal with grief not only in a society context, but also have a lot of connection with the bereaved ones. We found that it is hard to help…

A technique is presented that measures the severity of PTSD as a result of a traumatic event. The technique is exclusively based on the symptoms of PTSD as defined by DSM IV. The level of distress of each symptom is measured on an 8 point scale by…

This poster presentation will present the initial results of research exploring the needs and experiences of a group of EMDR practitioners in the process of training and accreditation to become EMDR Consultants. The research describes the views of a…

This paper is based upon a qualitative study which investigated the experiences of survivors of sexual abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic Priests. The premise of the research was based upon a perceived assumption that such a distinct form of sexual…

According to Tedeschi & Calhoun (1995; 2004 and 2006), Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) consists of five ‘domains’: discovery of new possibilities in life; improvements in relating to others; an increased sense of personal strength; greater…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is characterized by a new and persistent fatigue, unexplained by other conditions, and resulting in a substantial reduction in the individual’s activity levels. Current treatment includes psychotherapeutic…

In October 2005 a devastating earthquake swept through Northern Pakistan causing untold destruction. In March 2007 an EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programme Training went out to Abbotabad to train a group of mental health workers in EMDR who were…

The Indonesian Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam (NAD) is a region which is facing a unique set of problems, among which is the protracted internal conflict, exacerbated by the tsunami on December 26, 2004. These events have generated a widespread…

Objective Main objective is to study the therapeutic responses of EMDR on the survivors of earthquake North of Pakistan in Kashmir. This study is carried on the spinal injury patients of National Institute Rehabilitation Medicine (NIRM), which is a…

Among Latino MSM, those who have reported early childhood sexual abuse continually report high levels of HIV risk behaviors. The objective of this study was to test if EMDR can be more effective as an HIV risk reduction behavioral intervention than a…

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