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  • Tags: Psychotherapeutic Technique

The EMDR-Emergency Room and Wards Protocol (EMDR-ER®) was developed by Dr. Judith Guedalia, after being present at more than 26 Mass Casualty Events (MCEs). She and the other members of Shaare Zedek Medical Center's Trauma Team attended to more than…

The "Blind to Therapist Protocol" (B2T) is, essentially, that. It allows a client to go through the Standard EMDR Protocol, without revealing the content of the problem. This protocol is often used in conjunction with any client group in which…

The author has been providing EMDR to traumatized miners since 1993. As with other specialized client groups, the Single Trauma (STP) and Recent Trauma Protocol (RTP) have required modifications. The author has collated the modifications made, and…

When the perpetrator is the client's own body, the Illness and Somatic Disorders Protocol can be used. It is important to note that this protocol addresses both psychological and physical factors related to somatic complaints. This is not a…

This protocol is to be used when there is a high level of suffering, self-denigration, and lack of remediation over time concerning the loss of a loved one. EMDR does not eliminate healthy appropriate emotions, including grief. It allows clients to…

This chapter presents a summary of the Phobia Protocol scripted by Marilyn Luber (Shapiro, 2001, 2006). Shapiro distinguishes between two types of phobias: simple phobia (e.g., fear of an object), and process phobia (feature of a situation in which…

This protocol is for clients with anxieties not related to major trauma. The focus here is the Standard EMDR Protocol. This is a summary of the Current Anxiety and Behavior Protocol scripted by Marilyn Luber (Shapiro, 2001, 2006). For current anxiety…

This chapter presents a summary of the Single Traumatic Event Protocol scripted by Marilyn Luber (Shapiro, 2001, 2006). For single traumatic events, the Standard EMDR protocol should be applied to the following targets (assuming they are available):…

The "Image Director Technique" was developed to target recurring nightmares or bad dreams and those targets that are directly related to a traumatic experience. Often, when patients are having nightmares or when they feel overwhelmingly out of…

At certain points in my clinical practice, after I began using EMDR consistently, I would have clients come in who could not describe a specific scene or image for us to use as the target, yet, they would usually have a clear negative cognition that…

The rationale for creating the Resource Map consists of the following: (1) A structured format and record of the resources that have been identified and installed that can be collected and used again in the future; (2) Multiple resources that empower…

The Resource Connection Envelope (RCE) derives from the assumption that the dialectical healing movement between negative stored memories or problems and positive stored memories or resources is crucial for adaptive processing. The dialectical…

Some clients may be able to talk about their trauma; however, the thought of processing it with the Standard EMDR Protocol may seem too overwhelming. In cases such as these, having the client develop a resource to address the "fear of the fear" may…

For some clients finding a Safe/Calm Place is very difficult, either because of their life experiences or their difficulty in using their imagination. In cases such as these, construction of a container to hold traumatic material, both during…

The imagery of an "Inner Safe Place" is part of a body of work on stabilization techniques for trauma therapy called "Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy (PITT)". It is used within PITT to prepare clients for EMDR. However, it works very well as…

The idea of the safe place has been a staple in practices of Clinical Hypnosis practitioners. The first known use of the Safe Place with EMDR was when Dr. Neal Daniels, an EMDR practitioner working at the Veterans Administration Hospital in…

It is helpful to introduce the concept of Adaptive Information Processing, to help your clients understand the nature of how our brains work. To do this, you can use a metaphor concerning the front and back of the brain.

As part of my discussion with my patients about their mind and the adaptive information processing (AIP) system, I find that patients are sometimes unable to find responses when asked about a picture representing the worst part of the event or what…

With the experience of teaching EMDR to many mental health practitioners over a number of years, increasingly it has become clear how important history taking is to the whole process of learning how to frame a client's information into a precise and…

When a person starts to demonstrate an excessive and unreasonable fear of certain objects or situations that in reality are not dangerous, it is likely that the person fulfils the criteria for specific phobia as stated in the Diagnostic and…

This newsletter discusses Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), an emerging psychotherapeutic method. Topics include: research on EMDR, a symposium on EMDR, the ethics of training with EMDR, the process of EMDR, training in EMDR, and…

En este trabajo se describe el tratamiento de la mujer víctima de 03.11 ataques terroristas que habían desarrollado un trastorno de estrés postraumático y depresión mayor. Técnicas de EMDR, la exposición en vivo, higiene del sueño y la planificación…

For person-centered psychotherapy and counseling to be scientifically acknowledged and accepted by public health services, the following are required: (a) more empirical research on the effectiveness of person-centered therapy for different…

In this chapter, the use of the genogram is highlighted as a tool for couple or family assessment, to determine therapeutic options, and to intervene. Typical symbols used and questions asked for the purpose of building the genogram are described.…

This paper reports on a qualitative, exploratory study that creatively combined two therapeutic approaches: eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) and solution focused brief therapy. It was expected that the use of techniques drawn from…

The Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing (DeTUR) model and the theories involved are based on experience from personal client observation and anecdotal reports received from other therapists using this same protocol. It is an eclectic…

The active ingredients of many therapeutic processes remain open to conjecture. Regardless of what actually underlies the putative benefits of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), its degree of overlap with many of the multimodal…

Therapists who are trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) (Shapiro, 1995) may try using the Creating Context Technique when a client is not stable enough for EMDR or when a client is unwilling to try EMDR. An example will be…

The seven natural treatment approaches that the author describes in this book all capitalize on the mind and brain's own healing mechanisms for recovering from depression, anxiety, and stress. All seven methods have been researched and studies…

The present work represents a new phase in a profound revolution in psychotherapy, in which affects take their rightful place of equality with cognitions, drives, and behavior among the modalities that must be interpreted by theory and embraced by…

What treatments are effective for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the prevention of PTSD following trauma? The current review illustrates the basic efficacy of several psychosocial treatments for PTSD (ie, exposure, stress…

Among the explorations of psychotherapy integration, attempts to integrate the cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic approaches are receiving much attention. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is one newly developed method that…

The goal of Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) is to have a healing connection form within the couple relationship. Some tools for achieving such connection include the Couples-dialogue and the Parent-Child dialogue. Despite the effectiveness of these…

The present article is a response to R. May's commentary (see record 2005-03961-005) on our original article: "A Look at EMDR: Technique, Research and Use with College Students" (see record 2003-10645-005). May points out the controversial nature of…

This commentary raises questions about how we assess therapeutic techniques. In particular, it critiques a recent paper promoting EMDR for use with college students.

In korte tijd heeft bereikt, EMDR enorme populariteit als de behandeling van keuze voor posttraumatische stress-stoornissen, zelfs in afwezigheid van een wetenschappelijk geldige theorie over de werkingsmechanismen. Advocaten vaak vet maken claims…

The Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) procedure had been widely promoted as an effective anxiety reducing treatment, yet the methodology of many studies has not been adequate to clearly investigate the procedure (Lohr, Kleinknecht,…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is being used in the treatment of numerous disorders. This research focused on EMDR and hypnosis to gain insight into whether the EMDR procedure is a hypnotic phenomenon. Ten high (SHSS:C = 10-12)…

This article focuses on the ethical and legal aspects of family therapy students' use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with clients. Furthermore, the article discusses the ethical necessity for clinicians and supervisors to…
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