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Types of outcomes measures CORE-OM Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 34 items Covers 4 domains: problems, social functioning, well-being and risk. [Excerpt]

We understand a therapeutic group, here the EMDR-group, analog to the opinion of Watzlawick et al., Koffka and Grinberg as a multiplicity that is more than only the sum of the individuals. An individual is a part of a group, who expresses himself in…

Conjoint use of systemic family therapy and EMDR is examined. A young adult in the "leaving home" phase of the family life cycle, affected by panic attacks and concomitant anxious/depressive disorder has been treated following the systemic approach ,…

There are three main areas that must be addressed throughout the course of treatment of an eating disorder: The ED symptoms, the self-beliefs and feelings states of the client, and the client's level of functioning outside the therapeutic…

Though EMDR is normally conceived as a psychotherapeutical approach or, at least, as a clinical method with psychotherapeutical aims, any EMDR practitioner also knows it’s a useful means to make subtle diagnostic remarks on the client. Despite its…

This paper addresses how creativity has been interwoven into the discovery and development of EMDR, how EMDR is an effective tool in unblocking and enhancing creativity and how our understanding of the brain enhances our knowledge in this area. Dr.…

This application of EMDR was originally developed for business, performing arts, and sport. A second application is helping recovering trauma survivors to become more fully functioning.

RC originated when I perceived a need to complement the standard EMDR protocol by emphasizing resources. Coming from a dialectical perspective it appeared that RC may supply accessibility to resources in the same way in which the standard protocol…

The authors illustrate here a special intervention plan that has demonstrated particular benefit in the treatment of Panic Disorder. They introduce here a specific modality of treatment, based upon the integration of hypnotic techniques with EMDR,…

Negative trauma related cognitions have been implicated in the onset and maintenance of PTSD, and often improve with treatment. This controlled study aimed to evaluate the relative efficacy of Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Eye Movement Desensitization…

EMDR-based imagery re-scripting techniques with a modified concept of Cognitive Schema Modes (Young, 1999). Based on clinical case examples, the use of imagery techniques, which draw on all sensory modalities (involving cognitive, emotional and…

School refusal behavior is defined as a child-motivated refusal to attend school, or difficulties remaining in school for the entire day. As a heterogeneous condition, it can encompass aspects of phobic-type responses or separation anxiety disorder.…

The purpose of this study was to observe the changes that occurred with five clients diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder through an entire course of treatment that included the use of EMDR. Special interest was given to two points of…

This symposium presents data from treatment studies of (1) sex offenders, (2) mentally ill substance abusers, and (3) acting-out youth in care. These populations have in common low affect tolerance, severe problem behaviors, and involvement in “the…

The study shows use of EMDR therapeutic method in treatment of eating disorders with binge eating episodes with and without purging with clients treated with cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Dissatisfaction with the client’s own body and…

Introduzione:negli ultimi anni il numero di studi condotti nell’ambito dei disturbi causati da eventi traumatici ha subito una forte accelerazione rilevando l’esistenza di alterazioni fisiologiche e morfologiche in specifiche aree cerebrali associate…
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