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  • Tags: Imagery

A workbook to help the reader connect to a calm place with scenic images incorporating visuals, senses, heart feelings and positive beliefs.

In this study we make a novel contribution by examining the effects of an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) intervention on detrimental prospective imagery in four amateur golfers, using a single-case multiple-baseline…

Background and Objectives: This study sought to reconcile two lines of research. Previous studies have identified a prevalent and causal role of negative imagery in social phobia and public speaking anxiety; others have demonstrated that lateral eye…

Achtergrond: Van oudsher zijn psychotherapieën gericht op de verbale representaties (gedachten) van patiënten. Dit is onder andere nuttig gebleken in de cognitief gedragstherapeutische behandeling van psychose. Echter, steeds meer studies suggereren…

Pain is a frequent by-product of trauma, and having a range of EMDR skills for pain management is very helpful. By using the client’s own imagination, and their individual language, it is possible to encourage the client to take responsibility for…

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Among Jungian typical methodologies, one of the most interested is active imagination indeed. Carl Gustav Jung's active imagination method is a process of "lucid dream," that takes shape from observing an internal emotionally meaningful aspect -…

Portions of this chapter taken from "EMDR For Clients with Dissociate Identity Disorder, DDNOS, and Ego States" by Joanne H. Twombly, from EMDR solutions: Pathways to healing, edited by Robin Shapiro, 2005.) Since people with dissociative disorders…

The Constant Installation of Present Orientation and Safety (CIPOS) method is helpful in assisting children to overcome their fear of their traumatic memories. With the help of a strong, basic feeling of security and stability, the child focuses on…

Participants will: 1) develop an understanding of the role of EMDR as a bridge between esoteric concept of consciousness and the western concept of psychotherapy; 2) be able to understand how the role of consciousness, imaqery, and intuition can be…

EMDR-based imagery re-scripting techniques with a modified concept of Cognitive Schema Modes (Young, 1999). Based on clinical case examples, the use of imagery techniques, which draw on all sensory modalities (involving cognitive, emotional and…

This paper examines the role of the visual image in psychotherapy, and explores connections between how art therapists use physical images, and how EMDR practitioners use mental images in assisting emotional growth and healing. It outlines a clinical…
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