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  • Tags: Attachment

Participants will learn to use EMDR with ego state therapy to treat adult attachment issues, such as inability to receive or provide nurturing and inability to self-soothe. Participants will learn to use EMDR in conjunction with parent-child holding…

Participants will learn: 1) how a history of early abuse and/or neglect induces severe attachment pathology in infants and toddlers; 2) the deleterious effects of early abuse and neglect on the development of right brain coping systems, specifically…

Partcipants will: 1) be able to describe current research findings about post-traumatic responses at different developmental levels, and in various domains, and explore in depth the treatment implications of these findings; 2) be able to identify how…

A case of a young mother with an insecure attachment history herself who suffered severe post-natal depression after the birth of her first child and who regretted having this baby. Although recovering well from depression when first seen, having…

Endogenous opiates play a major role in attachment and they are also involved in dissociative processes and somatoform dissociation. The presentation discusses the adjunctive use of opoid antagonists both during stabilization and trauma processing…

Participants will learn to integrate EMDR into the longer-term treatment that is necessary where issues of attachment and relationship are paramount. Trauma treament of these clients involves an understanding of their unique personality…

Although professionals and parents are often challenged by the provocative behaviors exhibited by children who have a history of pathogenic care and a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder, children who-have attachment issues related to more…

Participants will: 1) be able to describe the specific effects of poor quality attachments on emotional and social functioning in children and adults; 2) be able to describe how problem attachments are transmitted generationally; 3) learn to identify…

Maternal-infant bonding is an intense emotional tie between mother and infant that often begins during pregnancy and continues after birth. Prolonged physical separation from one's infant or traumatic interference can sometimes impede this process,…

L’incremento costante di interesse nei confronti dei disturbi post-traumatici sta portando non soltanto ad un costante e rapido approfondimento delle conoscenze in questo campo, ma anche ad una continua riscoperta della psicoterapia ipnotica e ad un…

This book examines the following crucial issues: (1) how life experiences influence the maturation of the brain and mind in achieving mental health; (2) the central role of emotion in the functioning of healthy minds, brains, and relationships; (3)…

The primary focus of this investigation was to evaluate the responses of individuals diagnosed with PTSD to treatment with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). In the event that a participant was unable to tolerate the EMDR approach,…

This article reviews recent findings in the developmental neurophysiology of children subjected to psychological trauma. Studies link extreme neglect and abuse with long-term changes in the nervous and endocrine systems. A growing body of research…

The difficult behaviors exhibited by children who meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) can be challenging to both parents and professionals. Utilizing the point of view of three…

This chapter addresses the integration of EMDR processing when working with couples in conjoint therapy, specifically targeting the problem of attachment issues. When precautions are taken, applying EMDR with couples produces the potential for a…

This chapter presents an inside view of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) narrated by a client who was requested to tell her story to educate clinicians and clients so that others might be healed. The client's vivid account of her…

Disturbed attachment in childhood is associated with serious emotional and behavioral disorders throughout the lifespan. Unfortunately, problems related to poor attachments and abuse by attachment figures are frequently transmitted from one…

This presentation offers a context for EMDR that strengthens the client’s sense of self and security. We will consider the therapeutic relationship from an attachment perspective and explore the clinical implications or recognizing it as triadic…


Children who suffer emotional wounds within their earliest attachment experiences frequently build strong walls of defense that continue into adulthood. Participants will learn to identify anxious core beliefs related to unhealthy attachment patterns…

What does help children and adults who have had experiences that ruptured their trust in the world and who have been unable to develop close, reciprocal, loving relationships? 1. Experiences of being safe for an extended period of time. 2. EMDR to…

Attachment, attunement, and resonance in the eight phases of EMDR enhance therapeutic outcomes. Patients with disorganized attachment processes may have complications that may make EMDR treatment more difficult. This workshop is designed to teach…


This article examines the use of EMDR in a rehabilitation center to deal with traumatic experiences associated with serious incapacitating disease. Through clinical examples, the author describes the utility and function of EMDR treatment in helping…

Three case studies illustrate pre- and post-eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) adult attachment status as measured by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Two adult males and one adult female presented for outpatient therapy; all…

In this chapter the author describes the use of self-disclosure during eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) psychotherapy with a patient, Melina, who had a poor sense of self and a fear of abandonment. As an EMDR therapist with a…

Muchos autores, de diversas orientaciones, se han interesado en indagar, entender y explicar las consecuencias psíquicas y biológicas que padece un sujeto que ha estado expuesto a traumas psíquicos tempranos. Tomaré ideas de John Bowlby, quien ha…

El objetivo e nuestro articulo es plantear un protocolo de abordaje psicológico ante las dificultades que afectan a las familias con problemas de adaptación en casos de adopción. Partiendo de la perspectiva conceptual de la teoría del apego,…

Children who suffer emotional wounds within their earliest attachment experiences frequently build strong walls of defense that continue into adulthood. Participants will learn to identify anxious core beliefs related to unhealthy attachment patterns…

Behandlung psychotraumatischer belastungsstörungen mit EMDRDie Entwicklung des Kindes ist heutzutage als Prozess zu verstehen. Ein Kind ist dementsprechend zu jedem Zeitpunkt seiner Entwicklung "reif", einschließlich seines intrauterinen Lebens, d.h.…

Attachment and Ego States in the treatment of eating disorders is a 120 minute program, which introduces participants to 1. the kind of history taking, medical attention and goal establishment unique to clients with eating disorders, 2, the extensive…

In this workshop the presenter explores the presence of dissociation in clients with eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa. The approach described employs an EMDR phase model, with expanded evaluation and preparation phases. The extended…

Treating women suffering from trauma poses significant challenges. The diagnostic prototype of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is based on single-event trauma, such as sexual assault in adulthood. Several effective cognitivebehavioral…

Participants will learn to identify the anxious core beliefs of adults and children and the unspoken bonding contract developed in early childhood. Participants will discover new tools for creating more secure attachments, including resource…

EMDR’s Protocol is a powerful intervention that can impact many kinds of depression. Participants will learn about Bessel van der Kolk’s research, other research and clinical experience to bring the EMDR Protocol to the treatment of trauma-based,…

This workshop will explore the presence of dissociation in clients with eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa. The approach employs an EMDR phase model, expanding the evaluation and preparation phases. Preparation presents a 4-step method…

This paper reviews the issues of major importance in the current study of bonding and attachment. Adopted children and children who have spent some of their childhood in foster care account for a disproportionate number of unattached children. A…

This practical and hands on presentation is designed to provide fresh, creative and effective strategies for clinicians working with insecurely attached children and adolescents. The focus of this presentation is placed on the reprocessing phases of…

Innanzitutto alcuni ringraziamenti: ad Isabel Fernandez, per cominciare, per averci chiamati a partecipare a questo I Congresso Nazionale e poi a Roger Solomon, per gli insegnamenti ricevuti. Sono fiero, ve lo dico sinceramente, di far parte di…
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